* do you enjoy swimming?: yes
* do you go to a camp ?: Surf camp, baby.
* if so which one?: oh opps, see above.
* do you like the beach?: yes
* do you easily tan?: yes
* have you ever gotten really bad sunburn?: Hmmm, not too bad.
* where is your favorite vacation spot?: Pt. Dume (and england and perhaps ireland)
* have you ever surfed?: of course
* do you like water slides? sort of.
* do you rake leaves for money?: I love doing it, free of charge.
* have you ever jumped in a pile of leaves? yes!
* whats your favorite fall color?: red and orange
* what were you for halloween this year?: I was going to be Hermione Granger, but as you have it ....
* do you like hot chocolate?: of course
* are a pants or capris type of girl? Jeans?
* do you prefer rain or sun? rain.
* what does your family traditionally eat on thanksgiving? I dunno, a whole mess of stuff.
* is it warm in your town in fall?: Yes?
* ever made a snowman?: yes
* threw a snowball ? yes
* whats the largest snow fall youve ever witnessed?: It wasn't that huge.
* ever made a snowangel?: yes, good times
* what did you get for christmas this year?: lots of irish stuff.
* ever slipped on ice?: Yes, not pretty.
* ever been skiing?: yes .. wait.
* snowboarding ? no, but I'd love to.
* snow tubing? um.
* do you enjoy iceskating ? yes
* do you prefer warmth or cold? : in between.
* do you typically get sick in the winter?: not really
* have you ever attempted to build a snow fort? yes
* do you still play in the snow ? I would.
* what are you planning on doing for new years?: No idea.
* whats your favorite kind of flower: roses, lilies, sun flowers
* what do you usually do on spring break: nothing, I don't like that break.
* do you participate in any spring sports: Swimming, I guess.
* whats you favorite spring color?: green
* have you ever caught a butterly?: yes
* whats the funniest joke youve ever played on april fools day?: as the red head twins.
* whats your sign that spring has arrived?: when I begin to feel like crap.
* do you enjoy this season?: Not really.
*What is your favorite season*