Title: Waking Up In Vegas
Music: “Waking Up In Vegas” by Katy Perry
Subject: The Hangover (2009)
Length: 3:16
Summary: Don’t be a baby. Or: Fun with sight gags.
Vid notes: Under the cut, along with lyrics and streaming video.
You gotta help me out
It's all a blur last night
We need a taxi 'cause you're hungover and I'm broke
I lost my fake I'd but you lost the motel key
Spare me your freakin' dirty looks
Now don't play me
You want to cash out and get the hell out of town
Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Why are these lights so bright
DId we get hitched last night?
Dressed up like Elvis
And why am I wearing your class ring?
Don't call your mother
'Cause now we're partners in crime
Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
You got me into this
Information overload, situation lost control
Send out an S.O.S.
And get some cash out
We're gonna tear up the town
Don't be a baby
Remember what you told me
Remember what you told me
Remember what you told me
Told me, you told me, you told me
Shut up and put your money where your mouth is
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes, now
That's what you get for waking up in Vegas
Shake the glitter, shake, shake, shake the glitter,
Get me some cash out baby
Get me some cash out baby
Another vid that I outlined this summer and then just screwed around with for a few hours today. Totally self-indulgent, although I did learn one interesting thing. The thing I loved most about The Hangover, aside from that bit where Phil tries to LEAP over Chao’s bodyguard to get to Doug, wass the writing and line delivery (ZACK GALIFIANAKIS!) But since there’s obviously no dialogue in a vid, I had to seek out visually funny stuff to showcase how hilarious this movie, stuff that I wouldn’t have noticed before but that is actually ridiculously funny. In summary: The Hangover is my 4th favourite film of 2009.