I mentioned on Tumblr a few days ago that I haven't been into TV lately. This appears to be disproven by this post, which is all about TV. Mostly what I've been missing, I think, is watching TV WITH someone. It's one of my favourite (semi)social activities and a running commentary/live reaction almost always adds to my enjoyment.
Comments 5
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LOLOL I totally get what you mean about the TSN and TP fandoms, I mean, I was/am in both of them. Although I was never part of the breaking of the 4th wall drama that the TP fandom engaged in. TP fandom was and never was big on LJ but was pretty sizeable on tumblr; whereas TSN is HUGE on tumblr and has picked up quite a lot on LJ, at least in terms of fic. IDK what this paragraph is even trying to say anymore it's 3am let's stop
but ugh PLEASE FINISH YOUR TSN MIX ONE DAY. PLEAAAAASE. well I hope you are able to anyway!!!
TBH I think the biggest part of why I didn't watch TP as it aired was cause I was really burnt out on shows all about dudes at the time. I mean I watch A LOT of those and I was like ughhhh another show about GUYS AND THEIR PENISES FEELINGS idk if it's better or worse this way ~we may never know~~ but anyway TSN brought me back around to The Serious Problems of Being A Dude and i have fallen so harddddd sisi helppppp AND I CAN'T GET UP D:
I can tell already that I will love this mix, but I am downloading it rn, and I will let you know as I'm talking to you lol. I DON'T KNOW ABOUT MY FEELINGS RE: SLEDGE, TEAM SLEDGE, I HONESTLY DO NOT! I think because I watched the first half, and then rewatched Team Leckie, and THEN watched Team Sledge, that there is an unbalance there, but I just found out Dad has the DVD at school, so he's bringing it home so I can rewatch it at my leisure. I DON'T KNOW, THOUGHTS WHAT ARE THOUGHTS. This is the worst comment ever.
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