Application - Route 29

Nov 26, 2010 16:44

Name: Killiana
Livejournal Username: killiana
AIM/MSN: Midgard Slots (AIM)
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!), Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)

Name: Seishirou Sakurazuka
Series: X/1999
Timeline: Volume 16; after the Rainbow Bridge battle
Canon Resource Links: Seishirou Sakurazuka and X/1999

Affiliation: Trainer

Personality: Seishirou wears a facade that, to most, seems friendly. Sure he's usually wearing his sunglasses, but he's still smiling all the time and speaks with a chipper tone. He's good at casual conversation and will strike most as the observant type, seeming wise to the ways of humanity even if his observations may skew towards cynicism. He'll offer a teenage boy a cigarette while idly reflecting that maybe he shouldn't give a cigarette on a minor, inquire after one's health when he really doesn't care, and overall behave like a normal, upstanding member of society.

In truth Seishirou is calm, calculating, and cold. His defining feature is that he's all but a total sociopath, feeling very few, if any, emotions about the people, places, and events around him. It's not to say he lacks them completely -- it's not uncommon for him to feel irritation, boredom, amusement, or pleasure -- but the important emotions, like hate, love, and sorrow, are completely lost on him (with one very special exception). Seishirou is not made uncomfortable in the slightest by this. What does he care if he doesn't think like other people do? He doesn't relish in it, but Seishirou feels no remorse for the fact he's made abnormal for his lack of emotions and basic empathy. Instead he seems content with his ability to read people well enough to act like he can sympathize with them.

This is only exacerbated by the fact that Seishirou's career 'choice' makes being a near-sociopath is a huge boon. As an assassin there's little room for emotions in Seishirou's life. He feels nothing for the people he slays in his line of work, seeing them as nothing more than objects that just happen to be broken -- there's no point in getting worked up over a broken cup, and as he sees it there's no reason to get worked up over a broken, or dead, person. He didn't even feel sorrowful when his mother died -- at his hands -- when he was only fifteen.

He's not a born sociopath, though. Instead he's been raised and trained to act that way -- which means he's not truly immune to emotions. Though once he claimed he was incapable of such, Seishirou has felt one very distinct emotion -- love. As mentioned, this is a very special exception, but he does actually love Subaru Sumeragi. He shows it in strange ways, of course, one of the strangest (for him, at least) being taking his own life to ensure that Subaru would live on, no matter what, to preserve what was left of Seishirou. He's protective of Subaru in his own very disturbing way.

On that vein the man is possessive, to put it mildly. Not in a fluffy sort of way either, where he wants to keep people close because he wants to protect him. It's a possessiveness much more akin to that of a hawk with its prey -- people he keeps close are kept there because when it's time for them to die, it's going to be at his hands. When Subaru lost his eye in a battle with Fuuma, Seishirou was not upset that Subaru had been hurt. No, Seishirou was upset that Subaru had been hurt... by someone other than himself. Only he's allowed to hurt his Subaru -- and Seishirou does consider Subaru his, in the same sense that someone may consider a pet dog theirs. No one else, not even Subaru himself, has a claim on the younger onmyoji, as far as Seishirou is concerned. He does not like to see scars or injuries inflicted by people other than him visible on him.

He seems to enjoy his profession for this reason, but he displays professional integrity as well. He might tell a soon-to-be victim what's about to happen to them, and why, but not who wants to see them dead.

Which makes Seishirou no less sadistic himself. Relationships with Seishirou are never truly healthy, because the man is a sadist, and a liar. A very good liar, in fact. He excels at misdirecting without ever actually speaking a false word, and frequently 'lies' in more subtle ways. Adopting a cheery facade is a handy way to make people either forget about or underestimate you, and Seishirou employs one with gusto. The man is almost constantly seen smiling or with an otherwise perky or optimistic expression on his face, even when he's killing someone. He's become quite skilled at faking camaraderie, affection, amusement, interest, and a wide spread of other emotions.

Lacking all but a few attachments to assorted people, places, and objects, Seishirou ultimately seeks to serve on and only one person: himself.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Seishirou is extremely intelligent. Though it may be a stretch to call him a genius, he's good at taking what he knows and applying it, making him a skilled problem solver and adept at thinking outside the box. He's also a skilled actor, and pretending that he's harmless and absent-minded has become second nature to him. Magic may have been his primary method of combat but Seishirou is hardly anything to sneeze at in the physical matter of things. He's fast and agile and fairly strong to boot, not to mentioned well-versed in things like breaking bones barehanded, and knows how to chose his battles wisely.

In the more mundane arena of skills, Seishirou is a licensed veterinarian and has extensive knowledge on the proper method of treatment and care for cats, dogs, rabbits; to a lesser extent he can also care for ferrets, birds, and certain reptiles, and can apply the basics of his knowledge to other mammalian creatures. Some of his skills, such as the treatment or removal of broken bones, lacerations, tumors, cysts, abscesses, etc., can be applied to humans as well, allowing him to treat injured humans with a higher degree of skill than first-aid training would allow for -- provided he has the right tools to do so.

To his disadvantage, Seishirou is blind in his right eye. Though he doesn't seem hindered by it, it's safe to say that he's had to work hard to avoid being crippled by it. His depth perception is lacking and he has a blind spot on his right that wouldn't be too difficult to take advantage of (though expect the actual results of such to vary greatly).

His own mostly-sociopathic nature also makes him prone, at times, to misjudging and underestimating those around him. Though he understands how normal people think and act from a purely clinical, observational standpoint, he has trouble actually empathizing with them and understanding how exactly emotions like love can influence a person's decisions. It's tripped him up in the past and, even though he understands it a little better after effectively killing himself, it can be expected that it'll trip him up again at some point.

Starter: Cubone

Password: salmon riceballs

First Person Sample: [And audio track switches on, but there's silence for several seconds. And then...] Aha! I think that did the trick.

[There's a pause while the speaker, probably an adult male, clears his throat.] Hello! It seems there are other people capable of hearing this transmission, so I hope I'm recording this properly.

I'm afraid the old man in the town square wasn't very helpful. This machine let me get some information on the little creature that seems to be mine... [There's an enthusiastic 'Quuuue!' of agreement from, for those that can recognize pokemon by sound, a Cubone.] ... but other than that the details aren't very clear to me. This place almost seems too cute to be dangerous, but it's not a good idea to charge blindly forward based on assumptions like those! Unless my memory's failed me, I know that there are some powerful creatures in this place. Ou-chan is sure to be able to handle some of them-- [There's another "Que!" of agreement.] --but he seems so young to be getting into such fights.

[Pause.] Ah, but I suppose the challenge is to find these answers for myself, isn't it? It certainly seems like it would be more fun that way.

Though I'm not sure I'll be able to figure out the music. I can't imagine where one would hide speakers out here...

Third Person Sample: He was not, he realized, covered in blood. It would have been a marked improvement in nearly any other situation, but considering the situation that had left him covered in blood in the first place, he would have preferred to be back there. The woman that had hurried him out of the house behind him was just as unfamiliar as the house itself was, and the town wasn't offering any hopeful prospects itself. He could even recall the last time he'd been in a town so... tiny as this one seemed to be.

Maybe he was hallucinating. The human brain did strange things as the body that housed it died, and it wouldn't surprise him at all to learn this was the end result of the last few synapses his brain fired off. It made as much sense as anything else, considering he couldn't sense his magic, either. The pack in his arms he had no idea what to do with, but he never claimed to be an expert on the inner workings of his own mind while he was suffering from massive blood loss. Not thinking that it mattered, he set the pack down. The situation was strange, but didn't strike him as out of the realm of the possible until he reached into one of his coat pockets for his cigarettes and found a ball instead.

He'd never held a ball like this before, so he didn't think his mind could replicate the fact that it was smooth and cool -- but not cold -- to the touch so realistically. It didn't help that he was becoming steadily less and less sure of the assumed unreality of the situation, given how long he'd been standing here already, and the fact that aside from the ball nothing appropriately strange or dreamlike was happening.

So he decided to focus on the ball.

It wasn't a normal ball, he was quick to realize. It was half red, half white, with a black band around the middle and a button centered on the band. He carefully moved his fingers over it, trying to find anything else odd or unique about it, but nothing jumped out at him. That left one thing to explore: the button. In any other situation he would have been a lot more cautious... but he was already dead, and still wasn't entirely convinced this 'dream' of his wasn't going to end any time soon. It only took a moment of consideration before he decided, effectively, "Why the hell not?" and pressed the button.

The creature that materialized before him, after a flash of light and a strange noise, immediately greeted him with a cheery "Cuuuu!", earning a short stare from the recently retired assassin. He was starting to get the feeling he recognized the red and white ball and the little creature before him.

He wasn't sure if that did more for or against the idea that this was some sort of hallucination.

!!route 29, !!ooc, !!application

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