
Sep 10, 2011 20:17

The River Styx, the River of Hatred

Probably the most famous of the Underworld's five rivers, the River Styx, the river of hatred, is said to wrap around the Underworld nine times. It also serves as a literal boundary between the mortal realm and the realm of the dead. Across it's pristine and calm surface, and beyond the coursing river of flame, Phlegethon, lies Tartarus, the realm of the Damned.

For all appearances, it is the most normal of the rivers, flowing gently, lapping at its banks so calmly as to be difficult to perceive. However, the River is sacred to both the gods and to men. An oath made on the river is considered as a sacred vow, and all those who break it are subjected to imbibing it's waters. All who have done so will lose the power of speech for a very long time. (In game this translates to a month)
The River Phlegethon, the River of Rage

Flowing parallel to the River Styx for a time is the River Phlegethon, the River of Rage. It is a river of burning blood coursing restlessly, bound to it's banks, in which the souls of all those who've died guilty of violent crimes against others burn for all eternity. The fires of the River Phlegethon burn all that enter it's depths, but never consume. Its is a torment, eternal. Beyond it's far bank is the land of the sinful Dead, Tartarus.
The River Acheron, the River of Woe

Shrouded in mist, no one knows this river's width. It covers the expanse of the southern boundary of the Underworld, it's waters eerily still save for when the ferryman makes his rounds. This is the river you awake upon, rocked gently by the ferry's passage across the water. Though you may try to bribe the ferryman for passage back across the dark waters of the Acheron, your pleas seem to fall of deaf ears…should he have ears at all with which to hear.

The River Cocytus, the River of Lamentation

Bearing it's meandering way to the southwest is the River Cocytus, the River of Lamentation. Anyone who passes within hearing distance of this river can hear the echoing wails of the dead who passed without proper burial, wailing their eternal lament at their misfortune. Any who venture close enough to peer into these haunting waters can see the souls of the dead floating there, writhing in their eternal misery, moaning and screaming, twisting and contorting with it.

The ambiance of the river and it's surroundings slowly works it's way into anyone's mind who lingers too long, making all their past transgressions, their sins, however petty, weigh more and more heavily on their minds. Any to stay too long will quickly become lost in their own personal lamentation, and should they still be among the living, they do run the risk of idling in their misery and forgetting the needs of their bodies. Anyone who wishes to stay should be cautioned: you can die of thirst while lost in your mental plight.

The River Lethe, the River of Forgetfulness

Beyond the Forest of the Dead lies the River Lethe, the River of Forgetfulness. It is said those who drink from the waters of this river will forget. Some say they leave lighter, some return questioning their names. Should the curious make it beyond the great Forest, they may be rewarded with a drink from the river. Those who would drink of the waters of forgetfulness should be warned, though.

But a sip from Lethe's waters will relieve a painful memory, be it a memory of loss, regret, or sin. The more you drink; however, the more you forget. Your trek through the forest is long, days really, and you are quite thirsty. If you relieve your parched thirst with the waters of this river as you would any other sorce of water, you will remember nothing, not your friends, not your pains, not your joys, not your own name or where you come from.

Note: In game, these effects aren't permanent, but will wear off after about a week, after the enchanted waters of the Lethe have worked their way out of your system.

rivers, !setting

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