| Accidental Video |

May 19, 2011 01:04

[The video clicks on as the device clatters to the cobblestones surrounding him, coming to rest in a tangle of vines. Before the camera focuses on him, it's bathed in the blue glow from his lyrium tattoos, their curling lines sharp in the gloom of what appears to be an alley choked with the plants that seem to be everywhere almost overnight.

Leaves around him rustle and quiver, and the rage in his large emerald eyes is evident. His lips twist in a venomous sneer as he pulls the large, two-handed, sword from its scabbard on his back.]

Danarius! Hide all you like I will find you!

[The leaves quiver to his right and a quick turn brings the greatsword crashing into the growth, hacking several vines in twine and sending their tendrils cascading around him.]

You think these plants will stop me?! I will have you!

(OOC: Action if you like. Calling to him might get his attention, if he can hear you over the plants' Danarius voice.)

!dragon age ii: fenris, marvel: laura kinney

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