[The video feed flips on and you see a whole lot of forest with one grumpy looking Jack in the middle of it, maybe with a heavy bit of spider blood goo on her that she's sneering down at.]
This shit is fucking foul...
[She blinks back to the camera and the screen wobbles, like she's walking.] So the maps on this outdated, vintage piece of crap
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I don't know what Hansel and Gretel is, but there a witch who dwells in the forest.
[She's quirking an eyebrow at your lyrium brands there, buddy. Not sure what to think of them but the design is pretty and Jack is all about body modding.]
Nice ink. Or is it scarification? I got some of those too. I like the colors better, though, so I usually stick with ink.
[His eyes narrow dangerously.]
I did not receive them willingly.
[She snorts a laugh at you. They're going to be beeeeeest friieeeeeends.]
Yeah well I got surgical scars I never wanted but they're still there. I learned to like 'em. [She shrugs. Shit happens, man.]
[She grins, wicked, and brings a hand up that's pulsing with glowing, biotic energy, fingers curling slowly into a fist.]
Let's say it's on my list.
[Considering she just murdered a little girl in the forest (or so she thiiiinks, as she is unaware of Kainé's retarded healing powers) this news is particularly disturbing to her. She's fuming. ]
The fuck do you mean they don't remain so? Dead is dead! You don't come back from that shit.
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