His Excellency // Feb 02 // 1st Dream

Feb 02, 2009 20:58

Though it had been designed to look like an open-air Greek temple, with grand fluted columns, it was, in fact, a bath house. The aristocrat sat in the large, ornate bathtub, enjoying the warmth. As the bath bubbled around him, his assistant - a severe-looking woman in full dress uniform and glasses - poured some rose fragrance into the water, as well as a few handfuls of genuine rose petals. How heavenly, the man though, taking a long, deep breath.

As relaxing as the bath was, though, they still had business to conduct. "So tensions return to the Lagrange Point," he mused. "That's how it should be."

"The leak worked well this time," his assistant responded, a half-smile on her face.

The two exchanged words that were somehow impossible to make out in the dream, though before long, the aristocrat made a motion with his hand - and the woman quickly retrieved an incredibly soft-looking, royal blue bathrobe. He stood, water dripping off his body, as she put the robe on him, and then he elegantly tied the belt that held it together. He inclined his head to her in gratitude, and then walked off towards the main mansion with her following behind him, further discussing business.

*Treize is quiet, musing over the dream* Lady Une... I wonder what you're doing now?

lady une, ic, rose baths yay, dream, treize, style!third

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