I was looking through my old entries & I realized that I don't post a lot of original stuff anymore. While fanfiction is fun, it's also fun looking back on some of the old stuff I wrote.
So, here's one I wrote while I had been trying to finish the Anderson!fic. Maybe I'll read this again after a year and think, how did I get from point A to point Z:
This morning, and perhaps it has something to do with how early it is in the morning (or, some would argue, late at night), I am in love with your spine. Back pressed against my chest, my stomach; I feel its dipping curve of bones, tempting me to trail after them with my fingers. Your spine moving with vibrations as you laugh throughout the film.
Now, your eyes have closed off, taking you to a parallel reality. My eyes, wide open, straining in the dark, centered on that milky patch of moon/starlight along your very back. I won't touch you because I don't know if you're a light sleeper; won't touch you because I am afraid you'll move away.
Awake, but you are gone. All that is left is the indention you have made on your side of the bed. I curl on my side, tracing my fingers (finally, finally) down the sheets, as if it is your spine I am touching. Replace trembling fingers with my nose, my cheek, caressing and holding on.