(no subject)

May 01, 2011 02:38

My brother and I have just seen the latest episode of Doctor Who. Oh my god! OH MY GOD! *M0AR FLAILING*

And these are just some speculations/ramblings (mostly ramblings) about the episode that I just needed to post somewhere :'D

River thoughts:
*While I am happy to see River in episodes, I'm hoping (now that it's finally out of the bag that she is that kind of important to the Doctor) she won't be included in a lot of episodes, tbqh. There are people who include her as part of Team TARDIS but I've never personally thought of her as part of Team TARDIS. I think it's because for me: Team TARDIS = companions and I've never really classified River as a companion.

*THAT said, I still think she's one of the best, badass characters ever! \O/ I love her! I've paired her with the Doctor since the first time I saw her. I have been freaking out since last week that my favorite River Theory is that she is the Doctor's Wife and, by the looks of it, it seems to be the most likely theory, YEEEEAAAAAAH!

*I have to add though: I covered my eyes when River and the Doctor kissed. I am a shipper (I am a BIG shipper) but I kind of thought their relationship would still be an implied sort of thing and, aside from the flirting, we wouldn't be getting a bigger hint of what kind of relationship they have.

*However: When River said about it being the last time, oh god. My. Heart. Broke. :< My heart had broken for her too, last episode and, between these two moments, I can't tell which is sadder.

The episode:

*YES, it was shot beautifully. I enjoyed Delaware and I'm sure we'll bump into him again.

*Wait, wait. So, the 'Get out of here' messages, I assume, was written by that elderly man left in the orphanage?

*That entire thing with the nano-telepathic recorder, the marks on their face, just added to the suspense of the Silence. I usually enjoy Moffat's two-parters/arcs as a whole but, I have to admit, I think the second episode did a better job. Perhaps it's because it felt more thrilling for me. (I AM TRYING MY BEST NOT TO LET MY SHIP GET IN THE WAY ) Kidding aside, I thought it was a brilliant continuation to the first episode, throwing more mysteries for the fans while wrapping up the mystery of the Silents (for now).

*However, is it too much mysteries? Maybe I'm just used to everything wrapping up in the end of the season, every coming together, but throwing mysteries outright feels... different. Anyway, just me.

*Everyone wants to know who is the little girl (if she is really Amy's?). I've seen someone saying it could be a regeneration of Jenny. Do I agree? Eeeeh, no, not really. I'm sort of excited for this little girl and I would rather her be someone else. I'm sure she's going to get along with Jenny! (After finding out it was the Moff who asked RTD to keep her alive, I'm pretty sure we'll see her again this season). This is probably the mystery I want answered the most. It will make me sad if she turns out to be Amy and Doctor's child. That would result to infidelity, and I hate infidelity and it strikes me as something the Doctor isn't going to commit, especially since he sees/knows how much Rory loves and devotes himself to Amy. I'm sure Amy feels the same for Rory but, ever since that attempt to make out with the Doctor in season 5.... *cough*

*Time can be rewritten. It must be! After the mystery of who the little girl is, the Doctor's death is the next thing I want to know! I don't want the Doctor dead, of course.

I don't want to speculate too much on this though. I'd rather the Moff surprise me at the end of the season. Actually, my one theory would be, since the dead!Doctor is 200 years the live!Doctor's senior, there is going to be another season. Hahaha, but that's just a fangirl hoping. (But, really, a small voice in my head is trying to reason: but! BUT! Each season, while it doesn't happen chronologically (technically), it does take place in a linear order, such that the Doctor doesn't jump age. At least, that's what I think, but again, anything is possible) If not that, then, we're probably going to say hello to the 12th Doctor soon (ok, that's two theories)

Oh, and of course:

*I was so proud when I got it right that Prisoner 0 (back from season 5) was referring to this season's Silence. Buuuut, I'm sure everyone got that, so that doesn't really make me some stand out genius who can suddenly jive with the Moff's wavelength. XD Now, my friend and I are hoping that the spaceship of the Silence is the same as the one in season 5's the Lodger.

*More mysteries my brother and I think might be/hope it will be answered this season:

How did Amy know that that was a duckpond if there weren't ducks in it? (because, come on! It sounds like some silly, little thing, but the Moff has been saying don't just discard comments. Seeing as stuff in season 5 have proved themselves related to the Silence, this small question might actually be important)

What did cause the TARDIS to explode? I can't quite remember the question the Doctor posed at the end of season 5 but I'm pretty sure it was something to this effect? Maybe it'll have something to do with the little girl. (Which could explain why the Silence kept her. Maybe they want to use her as a weapon against her own what? Mother? Father?)

Anyway, that's too much talk from me. The adrenalin's rushed out and I feel deflated. Gotta get up early tomorrow for an interview, can't wait for next week's episode! And River/Eleven fics, of course~

doctor who

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