Guys. I don't think I'm allowed on the Internet anymore.
'Cause shit like this happens.
adinfinitum 's
post on this first, because she explains this epic fuckery far better than I can. But in a nutshell, we saw the Google Search Stories ad during the Superbowl and instantly our Puck goggles came on.
Anyway, she made one for Rachel "B-Sizzle" Berry and it's nine million kinds of awesome! Gold Stars & the Unexpected, on
LJ & on
So I made the Puckerone one. And it's nowhere near as hilar and perfect as hers but yo, this program crashed my laptop 3 FUCKING TIMES so here you go! Enjoy! OR ELSE.
Without further ado, Puck traveling the interwebz...
I also posted mine on
Tumblr, even though that site still baffles me in every possible way. Seriously, if someone could sit me down and explain it to me, I'd love them forever.