I tell you of dreams...
There was the world...
Something....something about....
Driving. We were driving somewhere. Or perhaps at a store... weather it was a local store or not I don't know... I don't think so.... but it was me... and... Hhh... Eric and C... them... combined with a bit of someone else...
And we were in this store... and someone walks y in medieval gar b of sort and I pause and point it out, and question my companions if there's a renfair about that we're not aware of... and I notice that there are more and more people dressed as smuch....
I remember being in... like a bathroom, or diner for a moment and watching these two ladies show off their dresses... one of them was gorgeous... the other would have been, had her.. Uh.. bodicey check covering area not folded up oddly without her noticing...
And.. we walk out to the car. and during all this... Eric and the C are explaining to me about;.. this... video game.. sort of an interactive one... two opposing factions.... and I remember one was the templar......
There was something about the car being a convertible.. and it being rainy and stormy out... something... about us needing to either be careful or hurry... and something interesting happened while doing that... but I hardly recall what... something about another person.. Nothing too bad, though
Then... we were.. Somewhere else.. No idea where but it was a big place...
And something went.. Horribly WRONG and monsters started crossing over from another dimension or something.. .demons etc...
And... I dunno where Eric went... just that C.. kinda turned into another person...... and wasn't C anymore..... some sort of.. Older, powerful person... our one hope and all that,...
And... There was a little girl.. a mere baby... and she .. like... picked up a dagger that would cause deep grievous wounds at the simplest touch and would continue to burn away at a person if even the smallest scratch remains... and she's running around with it. people run to stop her.. .and she narrowly avoids accidentally stabbing her father--an old vampire who rater reminds me of leslie neilson...in appearance, not attitude... and I/we /someone picks up the girl and takes the knife away and looks at her to see if she hurt herself... at first no.. Then we notice a tiny tear in her clothing.. and pull it away.. and notice.. A small puncture from the blade... in the top of her thigh.. slowly starting to leak blood.... her father panics.. and we all tell him "The tales of vampiric saliva healing wounds are true, are they not? LICK her wounds and seal them before they harm her..." and.. He’s focused on doing that.. And bad shit is STILL going on out side...
And.. Something BIG gets ready to hit the fan and people are rushing about.... The person who is not C pushes me into a back room and tells me to go to the lab and wait... and when I hear the 'ho-ho-ho' to hold my breath.
This is not as odd as it sounds.. For the room in question had at least two trap doors going drop it.. One was in some sort of a ..Portapotty ish ting... and involved water slides going down (mercifully cleaner then one would thing.... and the other.. through.. a wall or some such.. to a secret lab or place.. and I had been there for something about that ho-ho-ho thing.. and.. yes.. I knew that the hohoho would be a signal that the room was bout to do something very odd and that I should prepare for it (holding my breath) so that I wasn’t hurt...
S o I rush over to the portapoty thing... and have a moment of hesitation as I couldn’t remember which entrance lead where... and decided that it wasn't the time to ask...
It’s about the point in time that I am deposited in the sewers below the city that I realize.. This is not the right passage.
I immediately focus on trying to get out of there,.... I'd been here before. I KNEW that I was in a large body of water... and that across a longish swim.. There was a button set in a wall that would open up to the outside world.... and I needed to find it...
The problem was that every time before I had had light to help me...
So I swam, hugging a wall, .. It wasn’t utterly dark.. light from above and other odd places.. . Just no real long ranged site... And I swam.. Slapping along the walls.. Keeping an eye out for not only the things that lurk in the sewer.. But the things invading... I pawed along the walls, and tried to ignore the roaches I felt crawling onto my hands///
IO got the impression, as I looked around, that I was in the wrong place... and started to consider heading back... when I noticed light from around the corner...
There! It would seem that there was a bathroom, on the same level.. and a wall had been smashed out... as had the front entrance.... ... I hide, and wait.. and watch.. A few monsters walk past... then dart into the bathroom...
Beyond the bathroom, through the other opening.. I could see.. a park of some sort... almost a fair ground... OUTSIDE! I could find my way back from outside.. And I needed to be back where I was before.. something with the hohoho NEEDED me to be there.
I waited.. and was getting ready to bolt out and just.. .run.. When a teenage/early twenty young man comes dazedly out of the sewers.. and over into a stall.. and starts to pee -_-... he.. seems way dazed.. in denial, perhaps, of all the FUCKD shit going on...
I remember. .a mesh shirt and a pair of bondage pants.
I consider leaving him.. Then realize, as a large Minotaur like creature walks past the entrance, then pauses... that I can't do that... the boy doesn’t seem to notice the LARGE creature stepping into the room.... I KNEW these creatures were dumb.. and reaches out and grabbed the still peeing boy and into a better hidden corner... hissed something at him... and basically shook him out of his daze.. . The Minotaur must have been deeply confused or lost, when his target disappeared as he simply stood there... and I told the boy.. Basically.. that when I say run.. just.. RUN.. out the door, and into the fair grounds and the city beyond that....
We step out.. The Minotaur spots up, hefts it's.. axe I want to say and growls at us.. I point off to the side "LOOK! Over there!" The thing glances that way, making a confused cow noise.. And drops the axe.. I want to say it was a smaller, more hand sized thing.. and perhaps I grabbed it.. anways.. The boy and I both took off running... cursing the shitty traction on the floor... and we run out.... darting around a few creatures.. And start to go past park bench then.. the couple of vague monstery people o it say "hey. want a fajita? ... or a smoke?" and my apparently nicotine addicted companion is tempted to stop... I tell him no..
And some how, time passes and the two of us are somehow in discussion on the bench,. Pretending we belong.. Enjoying a chat with the monster(s) that.. Honestly didn't seem to care that we were human.
Thing the monster in question.. Had.. well.. human body... but cut off at the neck.. with another neck sown on.. and another beyond that. .and.. a few necks tacked on to one another... then her head..... and.. she and the boy were discussing wedding rings.. and the giving of them.... to. me, perhaps? Except I don't think I was there anymore.. I don’t know.. The boy was curled up wit a small dog with the head of a person next to him and...
Around here was when I went 'whoa.. This is fucked...’ and woke up.
I don't remember too much.... the beginning is a haze.... right now...
Right now I remember running... being chased by things I don't remeember. Running, and following someone. Running with someone. He was leading me. and He knew the city so much better then I did. So I followed him, and let him lead us.
We ran. through the City, into alleys and around corners until we left the city and... were in.. a vast... desert-y field... Dry, cracked earth... A vast difference from the city scape...
There are markings carved into the soil... perhaps they were there before... or perhaps they were carved into the earth by the guns of the people shooting at us as they chased us...
Perhaps both.
We were surrounded.. i n the middle of the pain, in the middle of the dirt, standing on the vast markings... we're back to back.. and he says something to me... then a hole opens up (or was there and I didn't see it... or.. something) and he's rushing to it, and diving down intothe darkness there.... I follow.. and I leap downward... falling a very logndistance indeed until my feet touch down to the earth again.. or rather, until I reach the bottom... I don't think I slipped or anything... I think I managed to land properly, and remain standing--a feat indeed since the bottom was covered in slowly running water of some sort... not quite a sewer, however..
It's utterly dark, biut for the light streaming in from above us... I look around, then look to him confusedly...
"this i a passage leading bak to the city" he tells me... or perhaps it was back to... headquarters, or something..
"it's dark.." I observe... He smiled.. and touches sa spot on the wall.. or perhaps even hits a switch... I really dont' recall what he did... but the walls downalong the massage way began to glow... brilliant purple markings.. a writing of some sort.. . powerful... the glow lit the darkness, though did not cut too deeply into it... In reflection.,.. perhaps it was something that only our eyes could see.... our special eyes.
"It's a long way back..." I say.. refering to the fact that we had run so far from town..
he smiles again, "Not for us..." he says simply... and.. it's hear I know for certain... he's a werewolf, and in his were form.... perhaps he has always been... perhaps he changed a few moments ago... Buy... he say we... and that's the trueth... I'm a werewolf also...
and we ran. such power in my limbs... covering ground so quickly... feelinglike.... even if our enemies chased us, and caught up with us--now, impossible... no human could have survived that jump and we were moving far faster then a man could--I could easy defeat them...
i suspect it goes hazy in here again... though it could be unrelated... but i remember walking into a building, or store, with eric and c...... feeling like I'd just escaped the underground passage... talking....
but the odd part is..... hear it felt like I was a unicorn...
and... really...it's entereed my mind that I was both.... somehow....