(28): the slow equilibrium

Jan 17, 2009 13:22

Bahahaha, I have returned! Happy New Years everyone~! ♥♥♥

Here's a Smooth Sailing layout. :D I spent the last week fiddling with Smooth Sailing instead of studying for finals whoops, so hopefully I'll have some new designs up soon.

I want to diversify (.. /cough) my layouts, so this year, I'll be trying to create more styles in Bloggish, Tranquility, Opal, etc. I'm also in the middle of revamping unequally to be more organized, so hopefully it'll be easier to navigate!

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STYLESHEET OVERVIEWS2 STYLESMOOTH SAILING ► THE SLOW EQUILIBRIUMBROWSERIE7, Mozilla Firefox, Opera (800x600+)ACCOUNT TYPESBasic, Plus (horizontal ad placement preferred), PaidDISABLEDTitle / SubtitleADD-ONSContextual pop-up, tiny icons, custom comment pagesNAVIGATION STRIPCompatible

/* -------- stylesheet by INTROJECT (at) UNEQUALLY ------
------ (s2 smooth sailing : the slow equilibrium) -------
--------- found at unequally.livejournal.com ------------ */

/* -------------------------------------------
------------------- BODY ---------------------
---------------------------------------------- */

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---------------------------------------------- */

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----------------- TAGS PG --------------------
---------------------------------------------- */

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/* -------------------------------------------
----------------- ARCHIVES -------------------
---------------------------------------------- */

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---------- CONTEXTUAL POP-UPS ----------------
---------------------------------------------- */

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-------------- LJ TINY ICONS -----------------
---------------------------------------------- */

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------------------- CONTROL STRIP ------------
---------------------------------------------- */

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/* -------------------------------------------
------------------- MISC ---------------------
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html body {}

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  • Wrap Entry text under userinfo? Yes
  • MetaData Position? Below Entry Text
SIDEBAREverything is enabled and can be in whatever order.CUSTOM CSS MENUS
  • Set all drop-down menus on the custom css page to NO
  • Copy & paste the CSS codes into 'Custom stylesheet'
  • Hit 'save changes' & you're done!
EXTERNAL GRAPHICS( tiny icons → pinvoke. )
( suju icon → acony_icons )CREDITPlease credit unequally and/or introject!QUESTIONS?If there's anything I've overlooked or coded badly, please don't hesitate to tell me! Further questions (customization, etc.) can be asked in this post, and I'll get back to you asap. :) 

stylesheet, s2: smooth sailing

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