Title: So Let's Cause a Scene [1/1]
UnequivocallyCharacters/Pairings: Matt/Rachel, mention of Puck/Rachel; Appearances by various Glee members
Rating: Pure, unadulterated fluff. PG
Word Count: 2,545
Spoilers: None
Summary: The Rumor Mill is quite efficient at McKinley High.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. No money is made, no infringement is intended.
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Comments 14
"Hey, Rachel," Matt cuts her off as gently as possible, "I'd love to go to the museum with you."
CAN WE GET AND AWWWW! This is why I kinda love this pairing.
Anyways! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading. =) And Finn, oh Finn. It's no secret that I love this boy and so of course, he always needs to make an appearance in all of my fics!
Hahaha, and I understand your rant, I sorta feel the same, to a lesser extent. I'm actually more annoyed by Sue than by Will though (UNPOPULAR OPINION IS UNPOPULAR).
Anyways! I'm so glad you enjoyed this and thanks so much for the comment. =)
I love your style with this story, and everyone's reactions (is it wrong that I want a sequel where Matt and Puck have a tug of war over Rachel's affections when Puck realizes he's actually a threat?)
"Another one bites the fuckin' dust," she murmurs, shaking her head in disgust, "So what, is Berry like, our new team mascot? Do you guys take turns drawing straws after football practice?"
ah Santana, I love you and all of your bitchfacery.
In short, this was awesome and I'm adding to my memories :D
I liked the little wistful Finn tossed in there too.
Add me to the list of people who'd love to see a followup where Puck tries to get the girl back after realizing he's f'd up big time. "She'll be back, she always is" needs to be answered. I'd like to see Puck's mask drop a bit.
You left me wanting more - great story.
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