➤ 7th Transmutation

Dec 17, 2011 01:41

A. » Action「1652 Albright Lane ☼ Morning」

[The hell is this bullshit on the TV? That dream... it was real? Mayfield what the hell did you do?.]

B. » Action「Around Town」

[The power was off and the phone was dead so the only thing to do was get out of the house and go tell everyone in person that he was very much still here. If he knows you well, ( Read more... )

fuck you mayfield, event, being ed is suffering, the truth is a troll, ed does exist!

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Comments 22

Action ☆ A wontjustwait December 17 2011, 06:45:57 UTC
[ She didn't even listen to the end of the report. The moment Ed's name was announced Winry was gone. Out the door and running down the street. Please don't mind that she doesn't have a coat on. She had no time to gets gloves either. Thankfully she is wearing her school clothes, but they aren't very warm.

As she approaches the house she starts yelling. It's all she can do to keep sobs from clogging up her throat. ]

ED! EDWARD! Edward, get out here, Edward!!! [ That was a kick your door just endured. ]


unexculpable December 17 2011, 06:51:35 UTC
[DON'T MIND HIM. HE ONLY JUST ABOUT JUMPED OUT OF HIS SKIN. He looks to the door hesitantly. Damn it... Winry was going to kill him. You know, not existing means no one can be pissed at you for potentially doing something stupid like deciding it was ok to not exist. Fuck you, Mayfield. Fuck you.

Nonetheless, there he is, opening the door and... immediately feeling TERRIBLE. Ahh don't give him that sad look.]

Winry? Hey, hey, it's ok. I'm fine, I didn't go anywhere.


wontjustwait December 17 2011, 06:57:32 UTC
[ For a moment she might almost look relieved. Winry stands there on the door step, trying to catch her breath. It's that which creates a facade of calmness. As her breathing evens out it finally begins to show. His reassurance? It was no help. ]

Ed... no, you can't... [ 3 , 2 , 1 ] You can't be gone! This can't be real! EDWARD! [ she's crying now. But she isn't mauling him yet. Good sign? ]


unexculpable December 17 2011, 07:06:22 UTC
[He mentally braces himself for the expected mauling -- he is just waiting for that wrench to go flying at his head -- and when it doesn't... it worries him more.]


I'm not gone! I'm right here. Look, I heard that report too. I know it said Mayfield went and "replaced" a bunch of us, but it's not true. I swear, I'm still me.


Action: town doudemoe December 17 2011, 06:48:04 UTC
[Why hello Ed, you feel particularly fake this morning. Which is okay, because Minato's fake too.]



unexculpable December 17 2011, 06:53:01 UTC
[That explains that strange fake vibe he's getting from you. It'll also explain the wary tone in his voice.]

Hey. What's up?


doudemoe December 17 2011, 14:51:20 UTC
[Same to you buddy.]

Just curious. Are you the real Edward?


Action ☆ B priceofmagic December 17 2011, 06:52:45 UTC
Disappearing... huh?

[ It was canon. This sort of life? Satou's only been away from it for a week now. So it doesn't take her much getting used to. When she agreed to disappear she knew what she was getting herself into, probably more than most.

So she's being all too calm about going about her days. Her mind is a bit numb as she's secretly torn up, upset about losing her paradise so quickly, but she masks it with a neutral expression. As she passes Ed she stops, remembering how she'd heard his name on the TV. ]

... Edward Elric? [ She reaches out to tap his shoulder. He doesn't seem like the boy she'd spoken to briefly, but then again... apparently, she doesn't seem like herself either. ]


unexculpable December 17 2011, 06:58:31 UTC
[Yeah, he has that same feeling and it's unnerving. Still, he stops, turning around to face her when she taps his shoulder]

Huh? Oh, hey Satou. [... Wasn't your name on the list, too?]


priceofmagic December 17 2011, 07:02:04 UTC
Mm. A very good day to you.

[ Somehow that doesn't sound as polite when she says it so dryly. She studies his face for moment before deciding that as fake as he seems he's better than nothing. ]

I heard your name on the list. So you agreed? [ The report made it sound like everyone agreed to this willfully, but there's no harm in double checking. ]


unexculpable December 17 2011, 07:10:51 UTC
[No, it definitely doesn't. It doesn't sound polite and it doesn't sound like Satou. She didn't even really look the same. Was he the only one who didn't actually get "erased"? Or maybe... ]

... Yeah. Guess you did too, huh?


B notalwystrthful December 17 2011, 06:54:05 UTC
[ Oh, hey, sup, Ed? Do you feel like there's an overwhelming amount of bullshit in the air, too?

Oh, so you do? Okay, great. Well, Diana does too and she's not too happy. Even though she's grumpy all the time, but details, details~

So, she's pretty much doing the same thing because, well, a voice can be faked. But, oops. She's not paying much attention and ends up colliding right into Ed. ]

Ah--? Ed! It's great to see you.


unexculpable December 17 2011, 07:02:34 UTC

HEY! Watch where you're goi --

[... oh wait. Diana. Good timing. He heard her name on that list.]

Hey. I was looking for you, actually. [IF YOU'RE STILL ACTUALLY YOU, THAT IS.]


notalwystrthful December 17 2011, 07:06:05 UTC

Now, Diana's going to prevent herself from falling over and gives a glance to Ed. He has to be real - after all, he's right in front of her. ]

It's about the list, isn't it?

[ She doesn't even need her telepathy for that. She knows how he works by now, after all. ]


unexculpable December 17 2011, 07:12:37 UTC
[he nods.]

Yeah. Heard your name on it.


B -- IDK on the street somewhere?!!? smoking_gunner December 17 2011, 09:11:56 UTC
[Havoc hadn't expected to see, Ed, really. But when he did, he didn't really react. Aside from stubbing out his half-finished cigarette. The gun under his jacket made him feel a bit better, but not much. If Ed was gone, then there was only one explanation. And he knew first hand, better than anyone, what those creatures were capable of.

But for now, he'd take it easy. Maybe the TV was full of shit. He's used to the government being a lying sack of liars anyway.] Yo, Boss! [Grin!]


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