Interestingly, I had a dream about you and Gabriel this morning. He was already born and a few months old, super cute, and loved to give you kisses. :) I'm not sure why I was there, but when there's a cute baby involved, I don't complain. :)
I told kyle, and I'll tell you. If you guys or you wanna hang out or something give me a call and I'll figure out some way of getting to each other. I know how it feels to feel like you do, I know it looks like I have alot of friends now but it wasn't as it is now. And I don't feel like I've been much of a friend to you lately, and that's gonna change. You are my best friends wife and soon to be mother to a beautiful baby boy and I don't wanna miss any of it :) So if you even wanna talk or anything just give me a call.
New friends rock. I'm trying to be friends with Larpers too. Will you be my friend? I think I make a pretty decent friend though really. I am honest, I don't gossip or talk smack, i get over everything instantly and I forgive almost anything, i am also a good listener and give decent advice if i do say so myself. my downsides would be that I am often annoying and I am not the greatest correspond-er (except via e-mail). I can also be a shade tactless in my not-so-shining moments. So yeah, do you want to be my friend, because i love making new friends. (i also love little people which is a plus since you're going to have one soon!) if you want to talk or whatever my e-mail is juliaowlstar [at] yahoo [dot] com and I (unlike heidi) check it daily.
Love ya bunches and hope you feel better soon, Julia
No I don't have it anymore...I had just kinda figured you didn't really want to talk to me seeing as every time i have called or tried to IM you you say very very little to me...*shrug*If you still want to talk to me though I'd be happy to talk to ya...
Comments 11
Interestingly, I had a dream about you and Gabriel this morning. He was already born and a few months old, super cute, and loved to give you kisses. :) I'm not sure why I was there, but when there's a cute baby involved, I don't complain. :)
So definitely look forward to that! :)
smile. People love you. some of us are just farther away than others. :)
Love ya bunches and hope you feel better soon,
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