Aug 10, 2003 00:23
unfeigned one: If you were as much of a pimp as you think you are then you wouldn't have such a problem with your ex girlfriends hating you.
iginlafan33: ?
Aug 10, 2003 00:16
unfeigned one: You and your boyfriend would both lead better lives if you eased up the reigns.
tarag85: who is this
Aug 10, 2003 00:14
unfeigned one: You need to make better friends. Only requirement: their life doesnt revolve around Warped Tour.
R1CK G0T FR1E5: haha
R1CK G0T FR1E5: whos this
Aug 10, 2003 00:03
unfeigned one: There is no need to be intimidated by women. Be a man, brother!
AJT17: who is this
AJT17: thats pretty rad are you going to say who you are or what
Aug 10, 2003 00:00
unfeigned one: Your life would improve greatly if you weren't such a ditz.
JackieH705: whos this?
JackieH705: what the fuck
Aug 09, 2003 15:37
unfeigned one: Dont you think you should get to know people before fucking them?
Auto response from spRcfrglstcXplds: concord for the night.
Aug 09, 2003 15:29
unfeigned one: Dont get so hung up on guys, its not worth your time dear.
summergrl803: who are you
Aug 09, 2003 15:12
unfeigned one: Dont be so pessimistic. Look on the bright side kid.
LBC9585: Who is this?
Aug 09, 2003 15:04
unfeigned one: Learn to make good music before going a band. Step 1: stop listening to ICP.
numberonejuggalo: first off, who are you
Aug 09, 2003 09:17
unfeigned one: Don't bother preaching now that you have decided God doesn't hate when you drink/smoke.
Auto response from andy1234dyce: pushing carts