polychromaticrehymenatorcommaroguestopbleepingme How's my driving?
I'd appreciate any tips on what you feel I've done right or what I've done wrong. If along with pointing a mistake I've made, you could also suggest how to fix it, I'd be grateful! I won't turn down advice on any of the characters I play regarding this, of course. I try to rely on syntax to convey voice so anything that might improve my use of it would be helpful as well.
Castiel is probably the tightest rope to walk among the list. He's a fine line to walk, and in an attempt to soften his 2D, cardboard feel I try to incorporate a little humor every time he acts (which is also a fine line to walk). I'll take any suggestions on other ways to improve him (seriously, anything at all, I love you in advance).
A few of my characters are driven and demand things be done...and then there are the rest of them. Sometimes I just let them slide into the corner to do nothing when I could be capitalizing on events happening in their game or with their friends and whatnot. I fail a lot at keeping up with the more minor (and sometimes also more fun) aspects of the game. If you have suggestions on what I could be doing better at, or even have a specific plot I should involve them in, let me know.
And as always if you're here, wavering over that 'submit' button because you saw me do something not-quite-right, please let me know about it. The more specific you can be, and the more questions you ask, the better I'll be able to respond. Please understand, however, that just because my interpretation is a little different, that doesn't make either of us wrong. There's OOC and then there's "artistic" license.
Backtagging: Always; if I lag, don't hesitate to poke me!
Threadhopping: To a point. If the thread seems fairly intimate, please refrain or ask! If you and another character get to major threading I'd be grateful if you can move it to another journal whenever it makes sense to.
Fourthwalling: For the most part, yes! Ask to be sure.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): It's fairly difficult to offend me, but if it's something that would intensely affect my character, please ask.
Hugging/Kissing/Flirting: Yes, some will be nice back and others will stab back.
Fighting: Always welcome. Some will be capable, others will flail and run away!
Injuring: Ask first please. Once asked, feel free to godmod the specific incident.
Killing: Likely not. I rarely kill my characters
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Yes, ask for limitations on the supernatural characters but for the most part that's fine. Using wiki for unimportant details is just fine.
Warnings: None for now.
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