In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning......

Dec 05, 2007 01:47

...of a single individual. -Galileo

I wrote a paragraph of insignificant words together in such a way i tried to pass it off as art.

acts and traits to bind one another. were all such beautiful creations, under the twilight we act as though we have all been through devastation. i pronounce to denounce that a life dead is not a life lost. a life lost can be found and molded back to its original form only to be corrupted and molded back to something unworthy again. we work all day, we work so hard. we have nothing to show for it, we have nothing to prove that we were there at that point in time and did those things we did. just a piece of paper with the illustrations of numbers and text represented in such a way to not put a smile on our face but keep it from the exact opposite. lets sift through the lies of dirt, we sift through mounds for hours to find a seed of truth. this seed will grow and prosper into a tree so magnificent where true lovers will meet and lost their virginities to one another. Love is a place, its where we first held hands. Love is a thing, though too beautiful to be described in any words in my vast vocabulary. love is a person, it is you. love, betrayal, hate & denial. you failed me more then once for more then a while. to be honest some lovers should have never met not knowing whats in store for them. not happy or happily ever after. to be honest, he'd be better off if she walked in front of traffic during rush hour on a Friday afternoon. all these words are all so obsolete. it feels like im writing in brail to a human who doesn't have hands.

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