Real birthday on Tuesday, fyi.
Buddy's polo plus that hat equals hot sexness.
So does wifebeater plus pouty lips.
Okay, birthday.
My sweet cake.
The only photo we have of Kate, in between pukings. It's okay, Kate. Even though you sent us into a nonstop 'I don't want to get sick' frenzy, we missed you.
A decade? That IS nuts.
Em had on the hooker heels. I loved it. You can't see it in this photo obviously but yeah.
The table sans Sally.
Scarfing down apps.
My facebook husband :)
My boys. Perhaps the best picture of us ever.
Was Sally not hot in that coat?
"Give it to her." This photo drips of sex.
Happy! sound off Birthday! sound off...
"Do we have to sign a release for this?"
"Bitches get stabbed."
That really was a big fucking knife.
The carryout/expo/servers!
The hot, non-'tard females of the c/o, minus Kate.
oops. Alex and Joanna look like thugs.
Between these two pics, everyone's not giving a fake smile.
Hugs! Alex looks uncomfortable.
Lemon smile, Sally in the background on the cellie.
Emily and I's reaction to the karaoke while bowling.
Kristy and Sally expressing the love.
Bad emo pics.
We look like sisters, it's scary.
Happy photo!
Jazz hands!
Pop that collar.
"I've got one photo left!"
I got some good stuff but it was just great to celebrate my birthday. I had a blast.
Now I hope I don't get sick. I've got a shitload of homework to do tomorrow.