(no subject)

Feb 10, 2005 19:34

the basics.
-- Name: kathleen michele brewer... sounds like a soap opera name... :(
-- Birthdate: October 14, 1988
-- Age: 16
-- Age you act: 16 i guess, depends on the situation
-- Birthplace: :Lexington Medical Center
-- Current Location: home
-- Eye Color: change depending on what I'm wearing and what the weaters like... today they're light gray with alot of yellow... but they're usually bright blue or light green
-- Hair Color: blonde I guess
-- Righty or Lefty: righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Libra
-- Innie or Outtie: innie, but I like outties better
-- Favorite Alcoholic Drink: used to be anything w/ alcohol but I don't drink anymore...
-- Favorite Ice Cream: Double Dark Chocolate from Marble Slab

-- Your heritage: Irish and American Indian.... bet you wouldn't of guessed that
-- The shoes you wore today: Converses
-- Your hair: dirty... or flat as Ben would say...
-- Your fears: not living life exactly the way God would want it
What is.
-- Your most overused phrase: RAPE!! or I'm Pregnant...
-- Your thoughts first waking up: NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!
-- The first aspects of the opposite sex: eyes, height, how he treats others, especially girls, and if he is musically inclined
-- you best physical feature: my abs... God blessed me w/ a flat stomach... I look pretty dagum good in a bathing suit...
-- your bedtime: 10
-- Your most missed memory: anything having to do w/ my mom
You Prefer.
-- Pepsi or coke: diet pepsi or sprite
-- McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds
-- Single or group dates: group dates, I don't trust myself
-- Adidas or Nike: neither, both use child labor

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: I HATE TEA

-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: I HATE COFFEE MORE THAN I HATE TEA!!!
-- Boxers or briefs:none... :)

Do You.
-- Smoke: no
-- Cuss: used to cuss alot, but I haven't in a while... excluding after someone said a choice word at lunch and all of us were talking about cussing, and I said some stuff I shouldn't have... I still feel bad about that...  
-- Sing well: so I'm told
-- Take a shower everyday: gross... yes, every morning
-- Have a crush: big time
-- Who are they: Kyle
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes
-- Want to go to college: yes
-- Like high school: love high school, hate the drama
-- Want to get married: very much so
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: never
-- Believe in yourself: usually
-- Get motion sickness: never
-- Think you're attractive: not really, but I do like some of my features
-- Think you're a health freak: no, and that's why I'm going to lose Junior Miss
-- Get along with your parents: just my dad, until my mom buys me something expensive
-- Like thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms!!!

In the past month, did/have you.
-- Done a drug: never
-- Have Sex: everyday... never
-- Made Out: never been kissed
-- Go on a date: yes
-- Gone to the mall? not the one here
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not recently
-- Eaten sushi: never
-- Been on stage: Golden Blues!!!!
-- Been dumped: no, that was more than a month ago
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: yes
-- Been in love: thought i was
-- Gone skinny dipping: this time of year, no way...
-- Dyed your hair: highlights later this month
-- Stolen anything: not on purpose

Have you ever.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: gotten close
-- Been caught "doing something": nope
-- Been called a tease: many times when I was in middle school and 9th grade, then again I was one...
-- Gotten beaten up: by my sister, she's brutal
-- Shoplifted: nope
-- If so, did you get caught: nope
-- Changed who you were to fit in: not to fit in, but I’ve changed myself

The future.
-- Age you hope to be married: engaged at twenty and married by twenty one
-- Number of Children: six, four of my own then two adopted
-- Dream Wedding: Hugely extravagant, long white dress, everyone in formal attire... but to be frank, I care more about the honeymoon then the wedding
-- How do you want to die: flippin' the eclipse
-- Where you want to go to college: North Greenville, then seminary at CIU
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a youth pastors wife or a missionary
-- What countries would you most like to visit: where ever there is a need for the gospel to be spread... (in other words everywhere)

Opposite sex.
-- Best eye color?: doesn't matter
-- Best hair color?:  doesn't matter
-- Short or long hair?: longish... I <3 mullets... no...  I just don't like buzz cuts
-- Best height: TALL

-- Best weight: skinny or built :)
-- Best articles of clothing: anything that show his personality
-- Best first date location: anywhere as long as he pays

-- Best first kiss location: where ever my fiance proposes to me

Number of.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: none
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: many
-- Number of CDs that I own: hundreds
-- Number of piercings: one in each ear
-- Number of scars on my body: I’ve never been bored enough to count them.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: one or two things come to mind

Yes or No.
you keep a diary = yes
You like to cook = yes
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone = no, I finally got the guts and told Kristin, and she's gonna keep it to herself until she dies
you fold your underwear = yes
you talk in your sleep = so I'm told
you set your watch a few minutes ahead = my car clock is 5 minutes fast so that I'll get places on time
you bite your fingernails = gross no
you believe in love = I believe in God, and God is love, so I guess so.

x. movie you watched = Napoleon Dynamite
x. song you listened to = Sadie Hawkins Dance- Relient K
x. song you've downloaded = don’t dl songs
x. cd you bought = MmHmm Relient K
x. person you've called = Kristin
x. person that's called you = Toby or Sarah
x. tv show you've watched = Oprah, I'm addicted
x. person you were thinking of = none, I'm thinking about the missions trip

x. you wish you could live somewhere else = I’m content with where I am for now
x. think about suicide = back when I was suicidal
x. you believe in online dating = ehhh to each their own…whatever
x. others find you attractive = no
x. you want more piercing =  no way
x. you want more tattoos = I might get one one of these days
x. you do drugs = never have
x. you smoke = never
x. you like cleaning = live for it! pff what do I look like, your mom? of course I hate cleaning.
x. you like roller coasters = deathly afraid
x. you write in cursive or print = a sloppy mix of both
x. do you carry a donor card = on my liscence, yes

Have you…
x. ever cried over a girl/boy = only Ben
x. ever lied to someone = everyday prolly
x. ever been in a fist fight = w/ my sister, she won
x. ever been arrested = no

x. shampoo do you use = whatever is in the shower and looks expensive 
x. cologne do you use = Lucky you
x. shoes do you wear = cons, fakenstocks, rainbows, heels or stilettos

Your friends.
Who makes you laugh the most? the lunch table crew
Who has the best advice?: Kristin Sarah Josh and sometimes Ben
Who's been through the most with you?: Kristin Sarah and Josh have each been through alot w/ me
Most Random?: Ben, hands down
Most could-be-mistaken-for-being-high?: ummmm... I don't know anyone who looks like that, ooo, Tyler Hall
Lives the closest?: Michele Ripley, and Kyle lives down the road
Have you dated and regretted?: ben, it totally screwed up our friendship, well, until recently

Loves ya the most?: couldn't choose

I called Kristins house so that we could well talk and her mom anwsered the phone. She was like, are you ok... I was like why wouldn't I be... I guess she thought I'd be devastated about Ben and Kristin (she knows I used to like him) then we held on a nice conversation. And believe it or not, I'm ecstatic about them. Couldn't be happier... congrats Ben. I'm glad were friends again.  
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