
Aug 20, 2007 05:29

Character: Naesala

Series: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Character Age: Lower hundreds, equivalent to a
human in their late teens.

Canon: Fire Emblem: Path of
Radiance is about a war, a war which embattles the
entire continent of Tellius but is mainly a battle
between the remnants of the country of Crimea and the
country of Daien. On the continent there are two
races: laguz, a race of changelings, and beorc, or
humans. Laguz are considered lesser beings by the
humans, and because of this mentality there is a great
division in race in the world. It is as a result of
this racism by the humans that laguz distance
themselves from human conflicts, only becoming
involved when it directly affects them.

Naesala is initially introduced as the amoral king of
the raven tribe of laguz, a shrewd businessman who
could and probably would sell a child out of its
mother's arms, smooth and extremely skilled at getting
others to do what he wants. It is clear from the very
start that his only true intentions are to amass
enough wealth in order to purchase land on the main
continent so that his people can prosper. To achieve
this end, he has ordered his men to act as pirates and
attack the merchant vessels of all countries; Naesala
doesn't discriminate as to where the gold comes from,
so long as it's his in the end. He will also lend
military aid in the form of Kilvas soldiers to anyone
willing to pay the handsome price such aid comes at.
He is, however, weak against things that are shiny; in
fact he carries a shiny coin on his person at all
times. He likes to puff up and act like he's the best,
but he's in reality very easily topped by his
childhood friend and his advisor, who insists on
calling him 'nestling' as he has seen Naesala just
hatched from the egg.

Sample Post:

Well. Well, well, well.
This is quite an interesting human settlement, isn't
it? A bit drab and gray, but what can you expect of
humans? Everything they build is so uniform and bland;
you'd think that with all their technology, they could
do to spruce it up a bit, something that'll give it a
little colour. Something perhaps a bit shinier- that
would improve it a great deal. They could also do to
clean it, ugh; I can smell the unwashed savages from
up here, the entire place smells like a corpse-strewn

Hmph, you'd think with an area of land this size that
there'd be someone in charge, someone who'd need and
could afford the services of the Ravens of Kilvas. And
doubly so for a Daien settlement; for all their pomp
and self-professed hatred of the laguz, they certainly
fall over themselves to pay for my people's services.
Well, as much as I loath to touch my feet to the
ground, I suppose that I must.

Oh! It's worse on the ground than above! Everything's
all dull and lifeless and... are my feet

sinking?! Ugh, very well. Everything I do, I do
to lift up Kilvas from its lowly place, I just... have
to keep reminding myself of that.

Excuse me sirs, I noticed that you walk with an air
of... well, you walk with an air, that much is
certain. I am Naesala of Kilvas and I come to you with
a very lucrative proposition. How would you, yes,
you, like to have a retinue of your very own
soldiers of Kilvas? Yes, the soldiers of Kilvas- they
can tear through your enemies! They slice, they dice,
they... no, no I'm fairly sure that they cannot
julienne fries. With your generous donation of say,
fifty thousand gold pieces, a small group of five
Kilvas soldiers will be yours to command. But wait-
there's more! With your continued support to the
nation of Kilvas the number of soldiers at your
command has the potential to grow exponentially. Well,
gentlemen? Do we have a deal? Eh, what was that? You
want... brains? Well, I'm afraid that I- HEY! Get your
filthy hands off of me! You do not have the luxury of
laying your hands upon me, and especially your
disgusting beorc ones!

Ugh, damn humans, perhaps there is someone with a bit
more understanding. Ah ha! Some laguz! Though, I don't
think I've heard of laguz that look quite so much like
humans before. Or are quite so... purple. Excuse me,
gentlemen, I am here to offer my services to you. I'm
sorry, what? What do you mean that sort of thing is
banned here? Running a business? WHAT? You think that
I was offering that?! How dare you insinuate
such a thing! I'll have you know you that I am the
king of Kilvas, not that you backwater half-breeds
would know what that is.

Hmph. This filthy, crude town disgusts me, it's
obvious that this backwater town doesn't deserve
Kilvas's aid. Now, where did I come in?

Voting's here. So close.
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