Jul 26, 2007 22:43
I have been really terrible about running this exchange. I have multiple exchanges that I run and sometimes get very busy and can't keep up with them. I'm considering a few ways to solve this problem. One would be to turn this exchange into a 2 month long exchange instead of one month. Another option I have been thinking about is taking on a co-mod. With the co-mod however I would need to work out a sort of contract or guidelines. It seems silly and unnecessary, but I would not be mentioning anything of the sort if there had not been issues. Let me know how you feel and if anyone would like to be a co-mod let me know and I will certainly consider it. Also, if you received an email last month disregard it. If you already started your piece I apologize greatly.
And now, a roll call for an August round:
Your Info:
LJ Username-
Valid e-mail-
Personal Gallery-
Character Info:
Max picture rating-
Anthro/Normal/Were (Specify character type)-
Eye Colour-
Hair(Colour,length, type, etc.)-
Physical Description-
Accesories(clothing, jewelry, etc.)-
Reference Pictures-