10 Favorites...
Favorite Color: hott pink
Favorite Food: reeses chocolate cake or canned peaches :)
Favorite Band/Singer: HIM/goo goo dolls/maroon 5
Favorite Song: iris-goo goo dolls
Favorite Movie: finding nemo or the notebook
Favorite Sport: hockey
Favorite Season: autumn
Favorite Day Of the Week: thursday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate peanutbutter/vanilla with reese's in it :)
Favorite time of the day: 10pm
9 Currents...
Current Mood: blah
Current Taste: spit
Current Clothes: hoodie,pj pants, socks, sports bra
Current Desktop Picture: up north pic
Current Toenail Color: burgandy
Current Time: 10:12 pm
Current Surroundings: bedroom
Current Annoyance(s): thinking about studying for my ap bio test for monday morning .....
Current Thought: "now would the perfect time for me to NOT be single" lol
8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: jessica rusnock(still is)
First Kiss: real kiss: andy schiffman
First Screen Name: mickey89
First Pet: a hermit crab named harry that died super quick
First Piercing: belly button ...which didnt even last 3 weeks lol
First Crush: mike plumley
First Music: country
First Car: ?
7 Lasts...
Last Cigarette: long time ago
Last Drink: lemonade that i made super sour..just like i like it :)
Last Car Ride: coming home from PaPa Vinos today
Last Kiss: dont even ask me that..
Last Movie Seen: guess who?
Last Phone Call: jessicas mother
Last CD Played: i dont play cds..i listen to mp3s
6 Have You Evers....
Dated One Of Your Best Friends: yes
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yes
Been Arrested: no
Skinny Dipped: yes
Been on TV: yes
Kissed Someone you didnt know: yes
5 Things....
You're Wearing: pj pants, sports bra, tank, hoodie, earrings
You've Done Today: got up, went out to dinner, rollerbladed with jess, found out how hard it was to lift dead wieght with jess in my living room, and discussed how all famous guys named JOHN are hott
You Can Hear Right Now: a/c,computer,music,a car going past my window,me typing
You Do When You're Bored: something artistic, eat, sleep, homework, call ppl to hang out
4 Places You've Been...
1. germany
2. alaska
3. austria
4. florida
3 People You Can Tell Anything To.
1. jess
2. rachel
3. ----------------------------
2 Choices...
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: cold
1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die: fullfill all of my dreams which include: a wonderful job that pays good, get married to a super hott guy that can age well with me cuz i refuse to be the typical badly dressed old person, have BABIES,travel all around the world, and be compeletly content with my life