1.) Pick one of your scars out, Now how did you get it?
- I have a very odd one on under my left rib cage. I called my sister Sachiko a crazy bitch, well she pulled a razor on me.
2.) What is on the walls in your bedroom?
- I try to keep normal stuff on it for my dad to see. A few sports posters, two posters of female swimsuit models and one of a guy.
3.) What was your worst nightmare?
- Watching my mother swing from the ceiling every night I tried to sleep.
4.) What music do you listen to?
- Anything and everything.
5.) Do you know what time you were born?
- Just that it was thirteen minutes after Sachiko.
6.) What is the weirdest thing you have ever done?
- Sold myself to this one couple that had a shouta complex....I will never do that again or be as desperate for sex.
7.) What do you miss at times?
- Personally I miss nothing and I regret nothing I live for tomorrow.
8.) What is the first thing you notice on someone (opposite sex/same sex)?
- Well for men it would be their body build and a female her curves
9.) What is your favorite smell?
- Apple spice
10.) Do you get claustrophobic?
- No but I am Merinthophobic (fear of being bound or tied up).
11.) If you died tomorrow?
- I'd finally grant my mother's dying wish.
12.) The last person to make you cry?
- My mother.
13.) Who was your first crush when you were little?
- I didn't know anyone but my sister for most of my life, so I've never had a crush...yet.
14.) What kind of hair do you like on the opposite sex (or same sex)?
- On a male I like it shorter then your shoulder blades and messy. On a female I like it longer and neater.
15.) Where can you see yourself being proposed to at?
- Some mental health facility.
16.) Make up a question:
- If we're all supposedly God's pawns on these earth, shouldn't I be allowed to play with them as well?
17.) What are five of your favorite movies? Leave blank if you are unsure of any Japanese Movies Or put the Type of movies)
- Anything is good to me from sappy chick flicks to bloody gory horror ones.
18.) Where can you see yourself going for you honeymoon?
- Maybe the isolation ward in said mental facility.
19.) Can you play an instrument?
- No I never learned how too I don't even think I can sing.
20.) Do you speak a different language?
- I'm not so good speaking it but I can read a few other languages.
21.) What was the first gift someone ever gave you (of the opposite/same sex) in a romantic aspect?
- I never gotten a gift before.
22.) Who is/are your favorite singer(s)?
- I don't pick favorites.
23.) Favorite band(s)?
- Same as number 22.
24.) What kind of books do you like to read?
- Manga when I want to be entertained, fantasy novels when I want to lose myself, and a classic if I'm really bored.
25.) Favorite perfume?
- As long as it doesn't gag me I'm fine with it.
26.) How do you like your coffee?
- Just 2 spoonfuls of sugar no cream please.
27.) What's your favorite phrase to use?
- You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?
28.) Would you fall in love knowing that the person is leaving?
- I loved my mother and she left so I'm assuming a yes its possible.
29.) What is the best way to tell someone how much they mean to you?
- My guess is mind blowing sex, or I guess you can just say it.
30.) Say a number from one to a hundred:
- I pick 36
31.) Blondes, redheads, or brunettes?:
- None of the above if all are really unattractive.
32.) What is the one number you call often?
- Sachiko's cell
33.) What annoys you most?
- When people pretend they understand me.
34.) Have you ever done a prank call?
- Just a few times
35.) Who is your current crush?
- I don't have any crush's yet.
36.) What is your worst fear:
- Being bound up and not being able to escape or fight for my life.
37.) Say something to someone you haven't seen/talked to in awhile:
- I rather not it might get un pleasant
38.) Have you ever said "I love you" and not meant it?
- Maybe a few times
39.) What were you doing before you filled out this survey:
- Truthfully getting ready for a night out on the town.
40.) Any last word?
- Yes, thanks to this damn survey my arm now hurts.