[ it clicks on and there's a painted face staring into it, grinning his derpy fanged grin. he laughs and brings his hands together, clapping ]
Ahahahah... It motherfuckin' turned on. This must be a motherfuckin' miracle.
[ he appears to be sitting on a roof of someone's house.... somehow. but he doesn't seem all that aware of it.Man, I don't
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Comments 201
...ah, well it's a dreamberry you have there.
[Someone has a misuse of that word.]
hey stupid if youre goin to make a fuckin post dont zone the FUCK out like some braindead retard
its called a dreamberry its some stupid human invvention
get used to it its the closest wwe get to a fuckin husktop wwhile wwere here
also stop believvin in miracles they arent real and none are gonna happen anytime soon
WhOoOaH, mAn.
I GoT My tExT To mOtHeRfUcKiN StArT WoRkInG Up iN ThIs bItCh tItS.
tHaT'S DeFiNiTeLy a mOtHeRfUcKiN MiRaClE.
i dIdN'T KnOw yOu wErE MoThErFuCkIn hErE ThUoUgH.
hOw's iT MoThErFuCkIn gOiNg?
that isnt a miracle its not bein a complete and utter stupid fuck gam
and ivve been here for a feww months noww
and i rather not talk about howw things are goin
has anyone explained anything to you about this place
because if not tough fuckin shit cuz i dont need to take up clowwnkeeper duties
just find a hivve and stay there
I LiKe wHeRe i mOtHeRfUcKiN Am aNyWaYs sInCe a lOt oF My fRiEnDs aRe mOtHeRfUcKiN CoMiNg tO SeE Me.
YoU ShOuLd cOmE OvEr tOo.
We cAn sLaM DoWn a fAyGo tOgEtHeR. :o)
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What the motherfuck is a children?
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YoU'Re kInD Of mOtHeRfUcKiN NeW Or sOmEtHiNg.
I AlL DoN'T Be rEcOgNiZiNg tHaT CoLoR YoU'Re mOtHeRfUcKiN UsInG.
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Ahahaha, you motherfuckin' think so?
Yeah, why not. It's amusing, at the very least.
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