I've got all these prompts and challenges to be doing over the summer and here I am doing this! (and also betaing, Steffi, don't worry)
Title: Family Matters
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Sam and John. Pairing-free.
Notes: ~500 words.
wenchpixie said "Sam is usually cute, I find. Unless he's evil..." and do you know what that sounds like? That sounds like a challenge! No idea if I managed it though... Waaaay AU 'cause, y'know, evil!Sam, also, Dean's dead (wahey! That's what, the eighth time?) Also, I kind of had to destroy John emotionally. Sorry. Still drinking to bring him back, though!
Disclaimers: Not mine, making no money.
Summary: Now it's just Sam and John, Sam's going to make sure John gets the best care.
“Come on, now, Dad. Don't be like this. Just one mouthful? For me?” John's eyes gaze listlessly down at his dinner, but he grasps the fork and raises it, before slowly, ever so slowly, stabbing at a piece of sausage. It's painful to watch, but Sam wouldn't look away for the world.
The piece of meat finally makes it into John's mouth. He chews, swallows, and drops the fork onto the table with a clatter. “There we go, that's better isn't it?” John smiles vaguely and Sam grins back, even though John's eyes aren't on him.
“That's sweet. What a touching family moment.” John frowns and Sam tenses, swivelling on he knees to glare at the intruder.
“Can't I get five minutes to myself?” The demon grins and flicks its yellow eyes to the clock on the wall.
“Sure you can, Sammy, but you've had two hours and we've got places to go, people to meet.” Sam rolls his eyes and bites down on all the curses he wants to throw at it.
“Fine,” he forces out between clenched teeth, “Just gimme a moment with my dad. He gets upset when you're around.” Sure enough, John is staring at the demon with more intensity than he ever looks at anything else with.
“Can't imagine why,” the demon says with a grin.
“Get out,” Sam hisses. The demon raises its hands in mock surrender and backs out of the room, an amused smile on its lips. “Hey, Dad, you okay?” John's looking down at his lap, eyes roving over the worn material of his jeans.
“Sam,” says John, “Sammy?” Sam grins again, if anyone can make him smile, it's his dad. He places a hand on John's knee.
“Yeah, Dad, it's me.”
“Your brother, he...” A tear drips from the end of John's nose. Sam sighs and squeezes John's knee. Usually Sam would sit with him and listen to what John was willing to tell him, hear what his brother did, or thought, or said, or was. But he couldn't today.
“Dad, please don't do this now, I have to go.” John's hand moves to grip Sam's.
“Sam,” he says again.
“We can talk about Dean when I get back, okay? Would you like that?” The hand holding Sam's goes loose and slides off to hang at John's side. “Good, I'll get back soon as I can.” he stands and runs a hand through John's hair. “You be good, now.” He kisses John's forehead and, with a backward glance, leaves the room.
After a while, John picks up the fork again and starts eating. The food's mostly cold, but that makes no difference to him and he slowly, meticulously clears the plate. Once he's finished, he drinks the water provided and then rests his head in his hands and cries.
The End.
One day, I'm going to write an evil!Winchester who has no redeeming features whatsoever. One day...