Chapter 6

Jul 15, 2010 20:37

Ho, check me out.

Title: Second Chance: Chapter 6
Characters/Pairings: Prussia, Sealand, France and England. Pairing-free.
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Stealing and other bad things. Don't do this at home.
Notes: elwon beats me for these chapters. I hope you're all happy.
Summary: After a memorable and yet largely forgotten night Prussia and England wake up to find they've mysteriously swapped bodies. England's horrified, Prussia is less so... This chapter Prussia fails at being England, but still has fun. England gets his spy on.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five

Prussia's phone was ringing again. It was France again. It was the third time that morning, not counting the debacle that occurred before Prussia was even out of bed. France didn't seem keen to ring the house phone again, which Prussia was grateful for as he was at least able to put the mobile on silent, but it still buzzed its way ominously across the table.

“Aren't you going to answer it?” asked Sealand, watching its progress.

They'd gone out to the shops together to replenish their much depleted stocks and were now back in the kitchen eating their breakfast. The kitchen was still a mess, but Prussia had decided breakfast was in order before any clearing up happened.

“But it's France,” Prussia - in a serious lapse of awesome - whined.

Sealand's face twisted up in sympathy. “I know. But even England answers France's calls sometimes.”

Prussia nodded; it was an answer he'd expected. He couldn't hide from France forever. He didn't want to either, because the idea of Prussia hiding from France was just plain wrong. He reluctantly picked up the phone and, assuming an air of irritation, answered it.

“For the love of everything good in this world, France, what do you want?”

Sealand flashed him a thumbs up.

“To see how you are,” replied France, skipping the whimsy he usually liked to season his conversations with. “You're still your most charming self, it would seem.”

“Indeed I am.”

“Right.” France sniffed. “Feel free at any point to tell me about your governmental coup or the spies that have infiltrated your systems.”

Prussia hesitated. “I don't know what you mean.”

France did not hesitate. “I mean the cause of all your strange behaviour, the calls being intercepte-- I'm not talking to him am I?”

“What?” said Prussia eloquently, having not quite kept up with France's stream of words.

“You have his mobile phone as well. That is very convenient for you.”

“Umm,” Once again, Prussia felt very lost in the conversation. “I suppose.” He mouthed for help from Sealand, but there was very little Sealand could do at this point.

“Are you the same one I spoke to last time?”


“Do you wish to know how I can tell?”

“Y-yeah?” said Prussia uncertainly.

“You are too civilised.” There was a gap, as though France had almost put the phone down and then thought better of it. “Your greeting was better this time though,” he said helpfully, “Almost had me convinced.” Then France put the phone down.

Prussia did likewise, placing the phone carefully back in the centre of the table as though it were about to bite him if he handled it too harshly.

“How did it go?” asked Sealand.

“I'm too civilised,” replied Prussia.


England returned from his walk with the dogs refreshed and energised, ready for a day of betraying Germany's trust for perfectly legitimate and worthy reasons.

To start, he was going to break into Germany's bedroom. Even though he was only doing this with the best of intentions, and arguably for the good of the world at large - though that was more of a secondary reason compared to the slightly more personal he-stole-my-body-and-I-want-it-back one - England still felt uneasy breaking into another nation's bedroom. It wasn't same kind of uneasy he'd feel breaking into France's bedroom, even though certain rumours about Germany ran abound (not that England was in any position to judge). It was a type of uneasy for betraying the confidence of someone he respected. Plus, he'd hate for someone to break into his bedroom without his knowledge.

But if Germany was going to insist on locking everything England needed in his bedroom, there wasn't much England could do about it.

England readied himself. He collected up anything he could find that would be useful in lock-picking and got himself in the right mindset. The spying kind of mindset. An Ian Fleming book would've helped but he didn't have one on him, and it would've taken too long at any rate, so instead he took a deep breath, centred himself and ascended the stairs.

It was like a bad action movie. The door loomed large at the end of the corridor, with more locks on it than the average bank vault. England approached it. He checked all around the door frame for sensors. Finding none, he brushed a hand against one of the locks and swiftly pulled it back, still expecting some kind of alarm, or perhaps a booby trap. He waited, but no retribution came forth and no alarm made itself known.

England decided it was time to stop dilly-dallying and get to work.

Two and a half painstaking hours later, England was very much enlightened as to how far Germany would go to keep unwanted people out of his bedroom. However, he was no closer to breaking in himself.

Well, that wasn't strictly true; he was fairly certain he would be able to pick the physical locks if given long enough - not that he'd tried because Germany would notice any change in the locked status of the door - but there was a passcode protected pad that was giving England an awful lot of trouble. He'd very carefully taken the front off (a task that had driven him to distraction and that he wasn't at all keen to repeat) and had a poke about in the wiring, but it had revealed nothing. He was fairly sure it would require a specialised breaking in equipment and England didn't even have access to a computer.

He was going to need outside help.


After putting the kitchen back to rights with a skill and determination that would have left Germany gazing in wonder, Prussia had, for all of two seconds, considered doing some of that paperwork that had been left gathering dust on the computer upstairs. He'd turned the computer on once before, found a bewildering array of Word documents and PDFs, a list of unread email that grew by the second and absolutely no games beyond minesweeper and solitaire (both of which had quite impressive high scores). He'd turned it right back off again and hadn't thought about it since. Except for those two seconds, but they had been much more of an exception than the rule.

Instead, he decided to take Sealand out into town to get him a treat or two. Sealand was very much behind the idea. His face really was so cute when it lit up like that.

In the end it wasn't so much Prussia taking Sealand around town, as it was Sealand dragging Prussia to all his favourite places, and Prussia bending to his every whim. Sealand's favourite place of all - apart from, presumably, his own seabound platform - seemed to be Hamleys, judging by the amount of time (and money) they spent in there. Though, to be brutally honest, their long stay hadn't been entirely Sealand's doing.

For a moment Prussia wondered why England had failed to reveal that he had one of the largest toy shops in the world. Then he remembered that they spent most of their time together exploring the most efficient methods of inebriation and that kind of thing did not really lend itself to boasting about toy shops.

It would probably also be a bit embarrassing if England saw how excited he was by toys. Prussia would be able to hide it of course, because he was master of his emotions, but it would ruin the experience. Not to mention England was prone to getting a bit obnoxious when he was good at something. Prussia didn't know if that tendency would extend to retail but he didn't have any particular desire to find out.

It was a long and exhausting day, but, barring the first hour or so, in a different and much more pleasant way than the previous one had been. He felt enriched by the experience; he now knew more about London than its pubs and the best places to buy cheap alcohol. He thought that maybe, one day (probably in the far distant future) he might persuade England to give him a tour. He realised that for all the times he'd stumbled, drunk and disorientated through the streets of London, he'd never properly visited Waterloo. Which was a shame, because that had been an awesome battle and a place named after it couldn't be all bad.

They'd both returned home with bags upon bags. So much that Prussia had struggled to open the front door. It was all paid for courtesy of England, who had been kind enough to pin up a small piece of paper on the corkboard in the kitchen saying “PIN: 4631”.

Since that discovery, Prussia had gone searching for anything else useful that might've been lying around. There was a calendar hanging in the kitchen that had days circled but was otherwise entirely unhelpful and a day planner that was so packed it was practically bursting out of its bindings. The writing inside was so cramped and illegible that all Prussia had managed to decipher was that England had been keen to remember to pick Sealand up a week earlier; the phrase “PICK SEALAND UP” had been written so hard it had dented through the next ten pages as well as being highlighted and underlined several times. Prussia had wondered why England was so eager to pick Sealand up when the boy so plainly did not like him, but had then decided that trying to understand how England's mind worked caused more headaches than it was worth.

The most interesting thing he had found was a large and very well-locked box. It had been hidden under the bed and had so far foiled all of Prussia's attempts at entry. Prussia had designated it as a side project, it being far too intriguing to just ignore. If England was more worried about people seeing the contents of that box than getting a hold of his PIN, it must be something good in there.

Sealand and Prussia both dumped their bags on the sofa and then eagerly started unpacking their new possessions. Prussia kept going until he found the Xbox and then broke his way out of the growing pile of packaging to immediately set it up.

He was behind the TV up to his elbows in wiring (most of it he was fairly sure was extraneous) when he realised the rustling of Sealand going through his own purchases had ceased. Prussia peered over the top of the TV set, startling Sealand, who quickly whipped whatever he was holding behind his back.

“What's up?” Prussia asked, standing up and nonchalantly stretching his legs out.

“Nothing!” Sealand answered with barely any time for thought.

“Ok then.” Prussia rolled his shoulders and rubbed his hands together, ready to get back into the mess that was the back of the TV. He had half a mind to organise all the wires properly; the sprawling tangle was making his fingers itchy.

“Actually!” Sealand blurted, “Actually, I do have something.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, it's uh,” Sealand refused to meet his eyes, “It's for you.”

“For me?” Prussia came out from behind the television. “What is it?”

Sealand stared determinedly at Prussia's shoe and thrust his present out in front of him. Prussia stared at the proffered gift before him. He didn't know what to say.

“I saw you...” Sealand trailed off, his gaze shifted from Prussia's shoe to the skirting board. “You were looking at them and I thought...” His arm slowly lowered when Prussia made no reaction other than to stare. “If you don't like them then that's ok, you don't--”

“Don't like them?” Prussia finally kicked his brain into gear and took the two toy chicks from Sealand's hands. “I fucking love them!” He stroked their fluffy little sides. “They're awesomely cute!” He sat one on his head, he found it stayed there quite well. The familiar weight prompted him to wonder how his own awesomely cute, real chick was doing with England looking after it. Presuming England was looking after it. He had a fleeting second of worry before he reasoned that, no matter how angry England was, he wouldn't take it out on a defenceless (in an awesome way) bird.

“How did you pay for them?” Prussia was sure he'd have noticed paying for something as cute as these. The only reason he hadn't bought them himself was because they'd been amongst the girl's toys and there's something distinctly unmanly about buying yourself a girl's toy. Prussia could barely remember the last time he'd had someone look up to him like Sealand was now, and it wasn't something he was going to risk by hanging around the girl's section. Even when Germany had been smaller and cuter and more Sealand-sized (in body, if not in country) he'd always been slightly sceptical of Prussia's ways. It had been a lot easier to persuade him back then, but there was always a natural reservedness about Germany. It wasn't that Prussia was looking to replace Germany, but he definitely thought there was potential for Sealand to make an awesome addition to their family.

“I used my pocket money.”

“Sealand!” said Prussia, even more touched by Sealand's gesture knowing it was completely above-board. “You didn't have to--”

“I know, but...” Sealand took a deep breath and screwed his eyes shut, as if he didn't want to witness what he was about to say next. “I thought I was going to be stuck with England for two weeks being really bored and he'd shout at me whenever I did do anything interesting and I'd have to eat his cooking and probably go and see a play with him.” Sealand stuck his tongue out, showing just what he thought of that. “But y-you're here instead and I'm having a really good time, I'm having the best time! I wanted to... to say... thank you.” Sealand seemed to deflate once he reached to the end of his speech. He glanced up at Prussia. “Or something,” he added uncertainly.

Prussia couldn't hold himself back and dragged Sealand into a one-armed hug. “You're fucking awesome, you know that?” He felt Sealand's arms briefly tighten around his waist before Sealand pushed himself away.

“Yeah, of course I know that,” Sealand grinned, the nerves of just a few seconds before having instantly vanished.

“You know what?” Prussia weighed the stuffed toys in his hands. “I think you should keep one. That way we can be awesome chick buddies!”

“Awesome chick buddies?” Sealand raised a sceptical (and hefty) eyebrow.

“If you're going to be like that, I'll keep them both.”

“No!” Sealand let out suddenly. “I think that'd be... cool.”

Prussia nodded and examined the toys carefully. They were practically identical in every way. He handed one to Sealand. Sealand took it and also examined it, then he smirked.

“Ha!” he cried, “You just gave me the best one!” He waved the chick in Prussia's face, cackling gleefully, “Mine's way better than yours!”

“No way!” Prussia snatched at the toy waving in front of his face but Sealand dodged. “Mine's just as-- Mine's way better!”

“No it's not!” Sealand sing-songed as he dashed behind the sofa.

“I'll show you!” Prussia began lobbing packaging and wrapping at Sealand, who ducked down behind the back of the sofa for cover.

“That's cheating!” Sealand accused.

“No such thing!” Prussia cheerily replied as he threw another box.

Sealand held Prussia at bay with his returned fire, lobbed mostly without looking over the back of the sofa. They traded insults as well as polystyrene and cardboard, all of it interspersed with their laughter. Eventually Sealand decided to take the higher ground and made a break for it out of the door and up the stairs.

Prussia hared after him and despite his head start, Prussia managed to catch Sealand by the ankle before he disappeared completely upstairs. Sealand fell to the steps with a thud, having had his foot pulled from under him. There was a short silence before he let out a long, pained wail.

Prussia went cold with dread upon seeing Sealand curl up and hold his hands to his head protectively. Prussia let go of his ankle immediately and hovered over him.

“Oh god, I'm sorry!” Prussia put his hand on Sealand's shoulder and knelt on the step next to the prone form. Sealand groaned in pain. “Where does it hurt?”

Before Prussia knew what was going on, Sealand had yelled, “Nowhere!” and continued his scramble upstairs.

“Hey!” Prussia lunged after Sealand, but Sealand managed to evade his grip this time around. “That's cheating!”

“No such thing!” Sealand replied amidst giggles just before he shut his bedroom door. Prussia was left out on the landing, stuffed toy clutched in one hand and a huge grin on his face.

Chapter Seven

I'm going to be less busy in the next two weeks, so hopefully better at updating. And Prussia's going to do something other than just piss about at some point.

Oh, and disclaimer: everything I know about breaking into places, I know from bad action movies.


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