Well, I guess the day went okay. Apart from me having a needle jammed into my foot.
shipou stayed at my house last night cause we both had to be at Cracker Barrel Saturday morning. Well, while I was in the process of getting ready, I stepped on a needle that I use to insert my insulin pump. It's about an inch long and went all the way into my foot. He convinced me to go get a tetanus shot, so I called into work and told them that I was gonna be late cause I stepped on a needle and was going to see a doctor.
I went to the care centre at the clinic and they were like, "Yeah...you should go get an X-ray to make sure there's no needle left in your foot." SO I went to the ER and I sat in a room for about 2 hours (I actually fell asleep on the bed before the doctor finally came in.) Long story short, I got some antibitoics and was sent on my way.
Well, I went to work and I was gonna tell
shipou the story of what happened at the hospital (not that it was interesting or anything, he's just the first person I saw who would care. XD) He was at the host stand when I got there but before I could get over to him to say anything, Denise (the manager I called earlier to tell her about the needle) stopped me and asked, "What are you doing here?" "I'm...back from the hospital?" "Oh...Well, I had Stephanie SA (Server Assistant) so if you don't want to be here, now is your chance to run." So I looked at her for a second, took a few steps backwards, turned, and fled the building.
I hung out with
angel_of_olore until people arrived to get ready for the LBGT prom. Once they started showing up I kinda wanted to leave. I had nowhere else to go but back to work, but I was just feeling so morbidly depressed that I couldn't go that I wanted to be somewhere else.
At work I ended up having to serve, which was rather difficult to do in my depressed state. I must have done alright, either that or I looked to forlorn and pitiful that people decided to tip me better. Either way, I made 55 bucks in three hours. ^_^
I really wish I could have gone to the prom, but I got to hang out with Joseph, Cody, and Brandon, which was cool. I called Joseph on the way to his house and he said he was making pizza and cookies. When I arrived I realized that by "I'm making pizza and cookies." he meant "Bekah is making pizza and cookies." That was really nice of her. The cookies helped my depression. So did the poem about dead puppies. No...it wasn't any good. But I got to make fun of Brandon for the poem being bad, so it was okay in the end.
At the moment
yumi_batto, and maybe
kellyratherodd (No one told me for sure whether she went or not and I think I heard her when I called them a bit earlier.) are on their way home from Evansville and I hear they had a blast. I'm glad.
shipou said he had something for Joseph and I and that we would A) laugh and B) hit him for it. That reminds me, I need to go find a bludgeoning weapon before he gets here.
They said I was probably glad that I didn't make it to the prom. I'm not so sure.
Oh, and I might as well tell you all about the April Fool's joke that
shipou, and I didn't do cause we were lazy and didn't have enough time to properly execute it.
As many of you know, there have been lots of rumors goign around about
shipou and I having wild gay sex, despite my dating
angel_of_olore. Some of you may have been spreading these rumors. *cough*AllisonBratcher*cough* But we decided that we were going to convince everyone that these rumors were true.
Angel_of_olore was going to find out and we were going to have a huge fight and "break up," which would be immediately followed by a "
break-up party" at her house where we would all eat food that was bad for us and congratulate ourselves on out trickery.
But we didn't do that. Clearly.
And I think I'm sad.