Title: mercy on your soul.
unholygraceSeries: Supernatural.
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Nick/Sarah!Lucifer. Take as will.
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: There were tears on Nick's face, on his lips, and Lucifer could taste his soul.
Notes/Warning: Forgot to post this on LJ. Wrote this probably minutes after season five premiered. :D HI, OLD FIC.
Nick was destined for Hell either way, having slit his wrists a few weeks after he found his wife and son butchered in their beds. All suicides went to Hell, his Sunday school teachers said. So when Lucifer turned up wearing his wife's face, speaking quiet, honest words of revenge, he couldn't quite say no. He hated God - hated Him for His malice, His apathy - whatever, and if letting Lucifer use him was an equivalent of flipping Him off, so be it.
Lucifer smiled gently as Nick gave his consent and reached out, Sarah's hands cradling Nick's face. He leaned forwards and pressed his lips to Nick's in a remarkably chaste kiss. There were tears on Nick's face, on his lips, and Lucifer could taste his emotions - his grief, his hate is desire for revenge, and his resignation.
He felt Nick half turn away from the kiss, his breath hitching in a sob before his hand reached out, gripping the back of Sarah's head, fingers tangling in her hair, pressing their mouths together harder, still closed-mouth.
Then, Lucifer was gone, seeping into Nick's skin, into his body, filling every inch of him. Light exploded around them, shining throughout the entire house. He pushed Nick's soul into the back of their minds, feeling generous enough to attempt to spare Nick some of the pain of possession. It hurt, too - so much. He could feel Nick's surprise, then his attempt to stifle the agony, then finally a silent scream echoed through them. With a thought, he sent Nick into a sleep.
Opening his eyes, Lucifer stared at the white ceiling above him. Well, then.