Name: Ami @
Contact: Blue Sky Idol on AIM, cactuar.spy[at] I'm only online on weekends, but I check my email 3-5 times a day.
Timezone: AEST (+10GMT).
Character Name: Nena Trinity.
Character Series: Gundam 00.
Age: Fifteen.
AU/OU: Alternate Universe.
Video Interview: See here.
OTHER HISTORY POINTS: Nena's more focused on looking for her brothers than on actually carrying out any missions for Shade. In fact, she views working for Shade as just a means to an end, that end being reuniting with her brothers. Other than that, it's all there.
PERSONALITY: Cheerful, optimistic and very physically affectionate, Nena seems like a remarkably well-adjusted girl. Rarely does anyone see Nena without a wide smile on her face. She has a very childish and immature nature, however, and will often scream, cry or throw temper tantrums if things do not go her way.
Nena is very close to her older brothers, Johann and Mihael, to the point of having a mild brother complex - much of her thoughts revolve around them, and she becomes extremely upset when she thinks about how long she has been separated from them. Johann and Mihael are Nena's greatest weakness, but her thoughts of meeting them again are also what keeps her going. Nena's childish nature also has another, more sinister side in her feelings towards death. She has little conception of the sanctity of life. To her, fighting and killing are games that she very much loves to play; the deaths of others mean nothing to her.
♥ Strong aptitude for technology
♥ Skilled at ranged combat/aiming
♥ Physically hardy
♥ Loves to fight