Here's the complete list of resoultions
2008 New Years Resolutions
Read the physics chapter before the-night-before-the-test and take notes
Do the math homework as it is assigned, and not in the three days before the test
Save your TK entries
Show Craig a short story
Keep track of everyone you edit for and possibly charge something for it.
Read the history chapters and take notes on them
Make Sandy a ceramic thing
Actually do the Spanish homework
Keep room clean => Clean room every Sunday
Finish stuff the night before the-night-before-it’s-due
Stop cracking your knuckles
Leave the edges of your fingers alone
15 minutes of quiet
Finish that scarf
Lauren, Oliver, Tania scarves (consider a spread sheet)
Be less prickly
Post fan art sketches on Deviant Art
Prom date?
Login to LiveJournal once a week.
Come up with a cooler background for my LJ
Post in LJ at least once a week
Log in to Elftown at least once a week
Myspace: Don’t log in to Myspace at least once a week
Finish beta-ing chapters in a timely manner
Publish something on FFN at least once a month
Review the stories on my story alerts
Finish the Christmas story
Finish the EdxEnvy V-day fic before February and publish it before Valentine's Day.
Telling You Still-EdxEnvy
Starved and Overfed-EdxEnvy
That one story where Ed's a white-water rafting guide, Envy drives a Mustang, and Sloth rides one.-EdxEnvy
That Daioto Fic-DaisukexYamato
An Albus Severus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy fic (It's like H/D, but better, because it's so canon. Well... she hasn't made it un-canon. Besides, how can you not love a ship in which the characters' initials spell ASS?)
Write 2 pages a day.
Give the Chronicles of the Purple Toad some semblance of coherence