Screencaps of Cartoon KAT-TUN 12: Sadawo

Jun 24, 2007 21:49

On special request from jun_x_kohta, I uploaded my caps from Cartoon KAT-TUN 12. They are like 40 or something. Too. F*cking. MUCH. O.o Anyways, here we go! Not dial-up friendly.

Junno's smile is love! I also have to grin everytime I see it.. @.@

Kame being dorky. XD

We have a letter adressed to Koki! It was so funny!

The typical butt-kick for Junno. Poor guy!

When Sadawo came in, he congratulated everyone, here he says "Thank you for Yorokobi no Uta!"

He was all fangirling about Jin, like "Oh great! I'm so happy! You're so cool!" Love Ueda's grin here! ♥

He shook hands with Maru.

Kame was also really amused XD He's so cute!

This was when they listened to Sadawo's first answer. Jin looking all Bakanishi again.

Again Junno's laugh = ♥

Aaaaah, Uebo! I get all starry-eyed!

Actually I saved this one for a possible iconization. XD (Kame!)

Now we have a consequence which I might make a gif from when I get around learning it.

I LOVE how Tacchan laughs! I feared he fell from the couch! >.<

Kame laughing like crazy. Sadawo declared he gets a heartthrob if he can see the side of a girl in an overall. Freakish! ô.O

Next is the Smile Athletes Battle

Group pic!

Koki seemed to be a little afraid of the demonstration by this wrestler whose name I can't remember. ^^;

Jin and Junno are practising their smile beforehand ^^

Jin keeps smiling! Though I sometimes think it's a little bit unnatural that he can smile that much! @.@

His smile looks a little bit strained. But he made 135 kg! omg!

He kept smiling even after he made it.

Next was Koki. I'm reminded of Tokkyu Tanaka 3 go when I look at this pic.

Koki made 120 in the end.

How strained! XDDD

The others in the back are laughing their asses off.

Junno's try. He was second best with 126! WOW! I really didn't expect this. *nod nod*

Tacchan only made 104 kg. He's so weak! >.<"

Kame was second last with 105. What the heck? I thought that although he's so thin he would at least have some muscles?

Maru came up to 110, but...

...he didn't smile good enough!

The punishment follows suit!

The end result. Everybody kept on smiling except for Maru.

After that we got back to the guest Sadawo again.

Koki smiling.

*sigh* Tacchan so sweet!

Junno is always laughing. I love him for that. And yeah, I know that I've said that 3 million times already. XDDD

Group shot #2

Preview for next week. I'm really excited what this part is going to be!

Yeah, I know, I'm crazy. Making a screenshot from every little thing. You haven't seen my Yamapi-centered ProDai caps yet. *cough*

Now I'm tired and want to go to bed, but I still haven't learned for the grammar test tomorrow. Will do that now.


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