As I watched yesterday's cKT, I made screencaps liek hoa. XD After sorting them out, I got them reduced to 45 caps, which is still an awesome lot. o.O Beware, not dial-up friendly!
Please comment if you take some! And don't forgot to credit
kattun_love or me (
unichan). 始めろうか?
Opening scene. XD The small caption says: "Nakamaru is a huge fan of today's guest!"
Junno introducing the guest: Takada Nobuhiko. As far as I could get it, he's a famous announcer (at Sumo games, I guess).
No "Check-irra-cha!" today! Instead, Junno tried to imitate Takada-san...
...and apologized profoundly for it! (For those of you who don't know: for Japanese people it is expressing deepest regret that you're facing the floor when bowing. So the 90-degree bow is the most when standing. Even more is when you're kneeling on the floor, which Junno does.)
They all laughed when Takada-san tried introducing them, but somehow couldn't do it.
Jin laughing about it.
And Kame is happy that even an announcer can't do his job properly sometimes.
At the end, he made it, that's why there is a "thank you". What is Ueda doing with his mouth?!
Takada-san asking Kame if he even understood the words he just said. XDDD
The members challenged Takada-san to announce them properly including them having a great entrance.
Everybody waiting for their turn to finally come out of their corner. ^o^ It was really funny how he called "Kamenash-" "Akanish-" instead of their whole names. XD
Great entrance.
Everybody's back on stage, we can begin 100Q now.
Kame looking really desperate. I love his facial expressions sometimes. I don't know if this one was because of the glasses, though... ô.o
Everybody eating some kind of regional daifuku (Takada-san's favorite dish), which is a kind of cake with azuki bean filling (more info at
It looks like crap, but is actually really tasty. I love it, too. ♥
Kame eating his daifuku.
Random Tacchan laughing pic. XD
Takada-san said he could beat KAT-TUN at Dajare, which seems to be making puns out of names and different words just for the sake of fun. I have to explain this one: He says "It's not down, it's up!", because 上だ (ue da - being up) and 上田 (Ueda) have the same pronounciation.
"I hear that one really often!"
Takada-san and Junno are having a battle at dajare! I didn't really understand Junno's.. like "When I woke up in Gotan (part of Tokyo), it was all gotangotan (he meant gotagota which is being messy)." It's not really funny if you have to think about it a lot. ô.O I only understood it after Tacchan explained...
Takada-san made a joke like "Hey, isn't that a dolphin? (iruka, in which he used the last ka as a part of the question)" but he pointed at the shark! XDDD
Even Jin laughed at that one!
Junno: "It's okay if you sit there!" He included isu (chair)
"One shoe and the other shoe are glued together!" くつ(kutsu): shoe くっつ(kuttsu): being glued together
I really liked that one, and apparently Junno did, too. The aim was making the other laugh, so Takada won.
Takada-san judged Junno on Level 2 out of 5 regarding dajare. Of course he thought himself as a 5, which means top level. ^^;
Everybody smiling.
On to the new section... The Dangerous Present Meet-Up (or so I think...)
Everybody's wearing suits again.
Ueda and Kame seemed to have dry lips that day! *evil grin*
Junno making some kind of sound word I didn't understand.
It's time for the guest to arrive!
Maru dancing the happy dance! They were really surprised, because they are huge fans of Ne-Yo.
"Is it okay to speak in English?" Jin asked a standard question "Do you like Japan?", but I was surprised at "How do you like the Japanese girls?" His English really was quite understandable for a Japanese guy. XD I heard worse!
Jin being all happy that Ne-Yo understood him.
Their present for Ne-Yo were some fancy sneakers (which I would have liked, too!). Ne-Yo promised to wear them at that night's MTV appearance and Koki was all happy that he chose a good present. Here he says "Is it okay for me to go home now?" after he made a happy flip.
Ne-Yo got everyone of them a shirt.
And on a second layer, there was his recent album. (How imaginative...) *drop*
Preview for next week:
Takada-san will be their guest at 100Q again. Maru was knocked down by him, that's why everybody else is laughing.
I hope you enjoyed my screencaps. I had some 100 more of this episode. Really, I'm addicted. If anybody is interested in a zip-file with all of them or something, leave a comment. I'm too lazy to put one up now. XD
Btw, I really enjoyed where he told us of the one time he went to L.A. and saw Tom Hanks in a restaurant and screamed through the whole store, "Ah! It's Tom Hanks!" I would be like that, too... >.<
Oh, almost forgot! When he mentioned that he doesn't remember the words he said to his wife when he proposed to her, but the taxi driver did! OMG, ちょう楽しかった!