anyway, we're moving on and ignoring my lack of ability to do anything ever.
In the beginning of November my phone was broken and I had a bad week. Not having a functioning phone is difficult. BUT the week ended wonderfully, with Billy flying in on Friday. Meg and I took some complicated bus route to the air port and picked him up. It was very late by the time we got back to campus (read, after midnight) so Billy and I started to drink. We were gonna go out, but then a bunch of people who were still in the dorm came and hung out in my room, and we just stayed in the dorm that night.
6th - The next morning was Saturday, and we woke up kind of early to go into the city and get tickets for a show. We ended up getting Next to Normal, that night. So we spent the day in the city. We went to the toy store, and wandered around Times Square, and just generally had a good time.
We did the Dean Walk in Time Square :D
And then we Saw Next to Normal
IT WAS GREATTASTIC :D The show was so powerful to actually see live. The music is very moving, and getting the whole story was wonderful. Meg and Billy didn't know the plot, so when some of the twists came their reactions were really great to witness (not gonna lie, i cried like a baby) its really a fantastic show, and I'm so grateful that I got to see it. That night, we were planning on going out, but decided not to, and stayed in the dorm cuddling and watching Nightmare before Christmas <3
7th - got Billy home the next morning, which was difficult because the New York Marathon was going on, so he missed his flight. Meg and I were quite proud when our little boy made it back to the plane, eventually XD That night we were ridiculous in my room. Now, grant you, my group of friends was very often ridiculous in my room, which was fantastic.
Week of school, saw motion city soundtrack on Tuesday the ninth with Denise. they were pretty good, though it was sadly awkward because this was after the awkward with the group, so Denise and I were... eh, awkward.
Friday I went shopping with Leah and Casey and Campbell and Ambrose, then I parted ways from them, and headed off to Rachael's. We skyped with CJ, which was fun.
Nov 13 - Saturday we went into the city and saw The 39 Steps and Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. We were classy Broadway Bitches that day. We were planning on going shopping in So Ho, but then we were like.... FUCK SHOPPING, LETS SEE SHOWS! We wanted to see Bloody, Bloody, but we did not win lotto for the matinee. So instead we ended up seeing The 39 Steps, which was very funny, though I was incredibly tired while watching it. We tried lotto again for the night show, but didn't get it, so we ended up paying the most I paid for a show (73$) expensive, but WORTH. IT. (I did the math out, I saw 13 shows and I paid approximately 32$ for each.) I AM SO IN LOVE WITH BLOODY BLOODY. It was so offensive and politically incorrect and funny and just really, really fun :)
Sunday I went back to Fordham, and went to work. Traveling in the city is pretty easy, but its times like this I wish I had a car. It'd be easier than having to walk to the LIRR, (make sure you know the train times!) get into the city, get to the subway, walk back to campus from the subway. It's a travel.
We got really really, i mean REALLY intro TrueBlood. They'd watch it nights I had work at the library, so I missed chunks of it, but I got a lot of it. It was an obsession, and it was wonderful.
Amy and I also participated in a Harry Potter trivia game that went on in our dorm, due to the upcoming movie. Needless to say, we beasted. And we won the prize of gift cards to Barnes and Nobles.
Nov 18th - went to the harry potter midnight showing. We met Anthony Rapp because he was sitting the row behind us. NO LIE, IT WAS EPIC. I was like "Leah. LEAH. leeeaaaaaah." and we panicked, then went to say hi. He was pretty chill, though it was clear he was like "this always happens to me, why am i famous". We were non harassy, and didn't ask for an autograph, but it was still a "HOLY CRAP ANTHONY RAPP, I LIVE IN NYC AND SEE MOVIES WITH FAMOUS PEOPLE, MLIA" moment. Then, after the movie, I stole a poster from the subway with Amy and Casey.
For Thanksgiving, we went to the beach with my grandma. It was really nice to get some quality beach time, but I wish I'd been able to go home, see my home and spend Thanksgiving with just my immediate family, and see my friends. Otherwise, it was very nice. Aaaand that's all I remember of November!