Apr 30, 2011 03:18
- 11:44:29: I confess. I watched a bit of the Royal Wedding while eating my (late) breakfast. http://fallenlondon.com/c/1028510
- 11:51:38: @ chellenator Haha, are we allowed to have twinses moments over crappy feet? 'Cause if we are, we do.
- 15:12:05: @ chellenator My mother is the same way. Which is why she no longer has her own cell phone, because there's no point. :p
- 15:13:44: It's cute how pretty much everything trending on Twitter today is British.
- 16:29:51: Doubt this will work, but Trump is a racist ass, so I'm RTweeting. Petition @ Clorox to stop running ads on @ApprenticeNBC http://act.ly/3jc
- 20:24:11: RT @qikipedia: 'Princess Beatrice's ridiculous Royal Wedding hat' has twice as many followers on Facebook as 'Pippa Middleton's Ass'
- 20:25:22: I'm a tad bored. Can anyone tell?
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