Sorry, not cutting this..

Nov 26, 2007 16:35

I am a Pagan ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

tears_embrace November 27 2007, 05:05:07 UTC
And THAT, my dear, is EXACTLY why I am so intereasted in Paganism. *hug*


unique_thesame November 27 2007, 05:17:50 UTC
I've only really learned about it in the past 2 years but once I started, I knew it was the right path for me. To us, these aren't just words but a real way of living a better life. If I can help you learn, just let me know hun. If I don't have the answers for you I'll find them for both of us.


tears_embrace November 27 2007, 05:29:12 UTC
Thank you, I appreciate that. I'm sure I will turn to you as I search this path. :) Being LDS (Mormon) clouds so much... it makes it really tough for me to be open minded to other things, even when I want to SOOO badly. But I HAVE to find what is right for ME. Not just what I was raised with.


unique_thesame November 27 2007, 05:38:49 UTC
I wasn't raised Mormon but I did become a member of the church as an adult and stayed with it for quite a while. I had very personal reasons for turning away from it - mostly because when I needed them most they weren't there for me even though they still wanted to keep their noses in my life - but NOT help me while they were doing it. I drifted for a couple of years with no path of my own after that until I started learning about Paganism and Wicca in particular. I've found my way now and I really hope you'll be able to do it too - no matter what path you find for yourself.


pocketfuloflove February 23 2009, 03:27:22 UTC
Sorry for randomly posting in your journal as we aren't on eachothers' friend lists or anything... But I wanted to say...
That this is absolutely the same way I feel. Not just in words, but in my heart. This was so well written, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm so glad to find another person with similar beliefs.


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