
Apr 15, 2006 08:59

Ok seriously these so called friends are not really friends (This post is not written for anyones input so if you comment keep in mind I dont give a fuck what you think). I was at my friends birthday party last night. He's older than I am well a lot older you could say. He works with my old man who was there too and my friend said something I would ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

mentalloss April 16 2006, 04:50:39 UTC
im not authoritized to discusse this at this point and time


uniqueimage April 16 2006, 12:15:16 UTC
Uh huh well when you can you know where to fine me well you know my number lol.


sablecoldkiss anonymous April 24 2006, 16:19:44 UTC
hey i read wut u wrote to matt and i liked it except the part that u said u care bout life...oye estas mal lol cuz im pretty sure u do care...


Re: sablecoldkiss uniqueimage April 24 2006, 17:02:48 UTC
Lol it's not that I dont care it's just that I was raised not to be afraid to die. That's how I live if it's god's will to take my life then so be it and until then I live it to the fullest. But who is this I am talking to?


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