18 Applications.
Lasts forever.
Is there an apple in your fridge?
$14.50 / set.
that makes only 80c / magnet!
email: uniquejunkshop@gmail.com
Bank acc: DBS Savings Plus 054-4-028171
for uob or ocbc, pls email uniquejunkshop@gmail.com for details.
Only accepting paid orders, so please transfer before posting orders.
Items will be mailed out every Mon, Wed & Fri.
Handling Fee per person - $0.50
for envelope + scotchtape + address label
1 item :: $0.80
2 - 3 items :: $1.20
4 or more items :: $1.80
Registered mail :: + $2.24 on top of local postage
Order Format:
LJ nick / name:
Email add: [updates will be done via email]
iphone APP Magnet Set
Total Qty: 1
Total: $ [14.50] + 0.50 handling + postage see above = $xx.xx
Normal / Registered post: Normal
Transaction Ref:
IB Nick: