I Drecree No Longer in Style!

Aug 09, 2007 10:13

Here are some things I have already been thinking are pretty stupid about our time (era) and will look really stupid later on down the road (ever think, why did I think that was cool to do/wear back then how embarrassing?)

Materialist Fakeness is no Longer in Fashion, Get Over It

There, thought I'd just say that real quick get it out my system. I'm not against making money I'm for making profit and taking those who have stood by me with me. Without having to waist money on material crap that goes out of fashion quick and it's main purpose it to show how materialist you are to those who care. Guess what, I don't care.

Driving SUV's and commuting to work when you don't car pool or truck kids/work supplies everywhere. What's the point?

Driving an SUV suburban like it's a sports car with tight handling every where.

Driving a huge hunk of steel just because your scared for your own safety in a car. So you're 5 foot and can't see over the wheel and your knocking over little kids but that's ok because YOUR safe that little kid didn't even put a scratch on you're ride.

Men sporting big flashy jewelry not for the sake of looking different or standing out, but just because they don't know how to talk to women and so a flash of the chain/teeth he's got some pussy yeah!!!

Women fucking with men just because the have jewelry. But he doesn't have a house or steady place to stay and it's probably not even his chain.

Women posing naked for every single photographer for free with cheesy poses like "Look, there's my butt cheeks look in side" then posting the pictures proudly all over myspace.


People too busy to stop and try and fight for the causes they are for/against.

People being too scared to say what they believe.

War on terrorism because of fear of terrorism when we are now the terrorists.

People bearing their sons and daughters over a way they don't even know what is about or believe it's to fight terrorism when we are only making it worse.

Forgetting the works of honor, respect and pride.

Not making sacrifices for the greater good.

The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer with no jobs available to them.

People more into fighter for a whale or a dogs life than fighter for human rights and a childs life.

Uggs and boots with big fur on them that are warn in the summer or in California more than in the winter or in a cold climate. I never liked them makes a woman look like a Budweiser/Wellsfargo horse, you remember those commercials right?

G-strings appearing out of your pants because your pants are so low I see crack. I know the guys like it but it's not cute.

Celebrities getting more news play than more important issues. Oh Britney spears shaved her head. So what.

Anorexia being the in fashion for women from celebrities to models in high end fashion industry.

So I decree, through these ideals out and bring in:

Compassion and caring for ones self first, because if you don't know how to do that you won't know how to do care for anyone else.

Compassion and caring for others around you who deserve it.

Recognition of those who do good in society over those who fuck up in society.

Putting out children first in our society.

Realizing money and material wealth is a luxury that can make things convenient but does not make a persons worth any further than that.

Women having enough guts to tell men no you can't have it that easy.

Men having respect for women who have respect for themselves.

Having common sense.
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