1. Do you like anyone?: meh
2. Do they know it?: no
3. Sign?: Capriquarius (I'm on the cusp)
4. Had someone buy you something?: Well, Christmas was int he last month, so yes
5. Bought something?: food.
6. Gotten sick?: no for once
7. Been hugged?: yes
8. Felt stupid?: yes
9. Talked to an ex?: N/A
10. Missed someone: yes
11. Failed a test: a test of faith
12. Ate cereal: yes
13. Danced crazy: every day
14. Gotten your hair cut?: yes, actually, my bi-annual hair cut occurred over break :-P
15. Lie?: litte white lies
23. Said "I Love you" and meant it?: not in a romantic sense
24. Given money to a homeless person?: yes
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came?: yes
27. Snuck out?: no
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: yes
29. Do you swear?: like a sailor
30. Do you spit?: .......haha.
31. You cook your own food?: hell no. can't cook to save my life.
32. You do your own chores?: yeah
33. You like beef jerky?: yes
34. You like pepsi or coke?: either, but I suppose I prefer Coke
35. You're happy with your hair.?: Yes, I love the wavy :)
36. You own a dog?: 2 at home...
37. You spend your money wisely?: long as i don't go to a bookstore :-P
38. Do you like to swim?: yes
39. Get bored when you call a friend?: ?
41. flowers or angels?: *shrug*
42. gray or black?: black
43. Color or black and white photos?: depends
44. lust or love?: love.
45. sunrise or sunset?: Sunrise
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms
1. Are you in a relationship?: no
2. If so, who with?:
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?: no (my parents claimed it and are now divorced)
5. What about true love?: yes
6. Would you kiss on the first date?: pehaps
7. Do you look for hook ups?: only when fishing
8. Do you enjoy receiving flowers?: yes
9. Do you enjoy gifts from your girl/guy?: I might. though I might be uncomfortable if they were anything very extravagent
1. You have a valentine planned out to have?: nope
2. Do you like having a valentine?: I probably would
3. Does someone like you currently?: doubtful
4. Are you even worried about the upcoming holiday? no, it doesn't apply to me
5. Whats the best gift to receive on the day? Well, I once received a rose with a note...although chocolate always works too :D
6. Is a little kiss during school on vday sweet?: yes
and I would do the 11 people thing, but I can't really think of 11 people I want to tell something to. There are only a few people I actually have something in mind to say...
so I'll simply let everyone know that I love them :)
and other than that, I am glad that today is over, because it was a little crazy. mostly just homework and classes. and then hanging with ffriends after class. always fun to not to do homework, lol. So now I will go eat leftover cake from mom's reception his weekend :) yum.