1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it.
1. I'm a horrible person sometimes. I kind of feel bad sometimes, but mostly I don't care anymore.
2. I like unicorns. actually, I love mythical creatures and myth in general, but unicorns are my favorite. (I'm such a nerd)
3. can I cheat and say that I'm a nerd? ok, how about.....I like making chemistry jokes? and nerdy pickup lines involving calculators or labcoats. lol.
4. I'm more of a wannabe than an actual computer nerd. I do work at ITS at the tech help desk, but mostly I just answer phones and give messages to people who actually have authority to do stuff. laaame. (I mean, I'm lame, not my job)
5. I love swing dancing!!! I'm not that good yet, but I love it and am going to try to do it as much as I can this year (and next! and as long as I can, I hope). and I love swing music as well.
6. I have an amazing van. it has many great names. most people are familiar with the vantasy :)
it has many bumper stickers that describe me in some way. it's great. I'm surprised it's still running, but I don't want to get rid of it, lol.
7. Clearly, I'm not that interesting. because it was kind of hard thinking of interesting things about me. I even had to resort to my van :-P
i tag......Beth, Whitney, Greg, Kyle, Ellen, Felicia, and Alyssa.
and I don't really care if you do it or not, I just have to tag someone :-P