ESFJ; Extrovert Sensing Feeling Judging."Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.
does not like being alone, thinks life has purpose/meaning, organized, values organized religion, outgoing, social, does not like strange people/things - likely intolerant of differences, open, easy to read, dislikes science fiction, values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits, group oriented, follows the rules, affectionate, planner, regular, orderly, clean, finisher, religious, consults others before acting, content, positive, loves getting massages, complimentary, dutiful, loving, considerate, altruistic.
Mostly it fits her quite well. Kanaya is a little more openminded than some of these responses indicate, though - take her reaction to Rose as an example. She's cordial for the most part to the humans, and especially interested in Rose, even being referred to as her "patron troll". Kanaya is a team player and she takes pride in herself, I think, but she's not xenophobic.
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Overall Self
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