Jul 07, 2011 19:18

APPLICATIONS: OPENHello, and I'm glad you're interested in apping! Applications are checked whenever us mods have time - but at least every week.
Out of Character Information
Name: (What do you want us to tell you?)
Contact: (AIM, Plurk, whatever means we can contact you with. The more, the better. c:)
Current Characters:

In-Character Information
Name: (Simple, right? The name of your character.)
Series: (If AU, OC or imported from another roleplay, specify here.)
Canon-Point: (So, what's the last thing they did? Or whatever.)
History: (If canon, a link is fine. Otherwise, you've gotta write up a history here showing either what's different if it's an AU, or their basic history if they're an OC. Unless you've got that written up somewhere else, then you can link that! Sorry, dudes.)
Personality: At least two paragraphs long.
Powers: (Does your character have any special skills? If so, how are you going to limit them? Note that talking to animals/Pokemon is a power that doesn't need to be limited.)
Starter Pokemon: (Any basic Pokemon from any generation is allowed. Except for legendaries. Note that Phione is counted as a legendary for this roleplay.)

Writing Samples
First-Person Sample: At least 4 sentences long.
Third-Person Sample: At least 150 words long.

Out of Character Information


Current Characters:

In-Character Information

Starter Pokemon:

Writing Samples
First-Person Sample:

Third-Person Sample:
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