01. I'm listening to LEFTOVER CRACK
02. I watch a lot of Cspan
03. I smoke a pack of cigarettes every 2 days or so
04. I lifeguarded this summer and hated it most of the time
05. I own lots of books
06. I'm starting my first non-PD job today
07. I don't like kids.
08. I've smoked pot
09. I am very messy
10. I hate shopping.
11. I play a guitar that says "shit for brains" over a picture of George Bush
12. my favorite movie is WAKING LIFE
13. I just turned 18 and usually don't get carded for cigarettes
14. I practically live alone
15. I am a Carol Stream Denny's regular
16. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
17. I would wear the same outfit everyday if it were socially acceptable
19. I hate living in Illinois.
20. I got my haircut today
21. I've never broken someone's bones
22. I hide a lot from most people
23. I love the rain
24. I'm paranoid at times. (a lot)
25. I'm a communist although I prefer to be called a progressive
26. I need a car
27. I like some rap, r&b, and hip hop music
28. I love psychology.
29. I can't dance.
30. I'm wearing polka dot boxers, but not for long
31. I go to the College of Dreams
32. I have at least one brother and/or one sister
33. I like flying
34. I used to be a hardcore Jesus Jumper
35. I am cheap.
36. I love to Lucid Dream
37. I am extremely paranoid about being late
38. I wish they made more family guy episodes
39. I hate loud, obnoxious people.
40. I haven't bought a CD in years.
41. I am usually optimistic
42. I'm a pansy
43. I think prostitution should be legalized
44. I don't like generalizations
45. I hope to someday be arrested for civil disobedience
46. I only own a few pairs of shoes.
47. I am better than Hendrix at guitar
48. I never ever wear tall shoes.
49. I hate arrogance more than anything.
50. I feel better about myself when I use big words
51. My favorite author is Noam Chomsky
52. I procrastinate constantly.
53. I haven't eaten meat in over 2 years (minus one accidental bite of a pepperoni)
54. I love to eat.
55. I hate crowds.
56. I have trouble sleeping
57. I don't post in my journal enough
58. I don't hate anyone at work.
59. My favorite band is Alkaline Trio.
60. I have abandonment issues.
61. I like to write poetry, but haven't much lately
62. I have a mobile phone.
63. I have felt the psychotropic effects of nutmeg
64. I have never passed out drunk
65. I wish I could sing and dance,
66. I drink way too many coca-cola products
67. I've been to many anti-war protests
68. I've rejected someone before.
69. I am all for mandatory nap time for the whole country around 1pm every day.
70. I love seeing live music.
71. I want to teach and write someday
72. I think Nietzsche should be mandatory high school reading
73. I like energy drinks
74. I have boxers made out of a Flag
75. I have read the Bible many times
76. I love ice cream and candy
77. I have a lot to learn
78. I tend to procrastinate a lot
79. I can get really loud when I need to.
80. I have many pictures on my walls including a cat, a pig, an elephant and a George Bush
81. I taped something off Cspan last night
82. I have at least 5 away messages saved
83. I have tried alcohol or drugs before
84. I am prejudice against camp counselors.
85. I enjoy writing
86. I hate math
87. I wish I were more confident
88. I think I should get some new glasses
90. I'm extremely analytical.
91. I am very anal about work.
92. I'm obsessive, anal retentive, and often a perfectionist
93. I love Italian food.
94. I did 72 sit-ups in a minute when I was 12
95. I am 1/64 Native American
96. My birthday is 6 months away from Valentines day
97. I like to listen to people.
98. I love staying out late and waking up late...but I never get to.
99. I like when some people call me Bradley and hate when others do