Story 02 - Nephrite/ The Moon Festival
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‘Story 02 - Nephrite. Children of the Sun‘
‘The Sun became angry’ Nephrite started, recalling the visions in his dreams where a violent solar flare occurred.
‘And shot a negative force. Across the eastern sea.’, recalling the vision where earth is in view of a meteor shower approaching outside the atmosphere.
‘How long ago was this’ Kunzite interrupted.
‘Many Moons have passed since’ Nephrite answered before continuing
“I see it traveling with the stars but it is a fallen star.’ A meteor shower, but what stands out is a single meteor heading across the ocean, nearing an impact’
‘And it’s purpose is much the same. It feeds on the weakness of our enemies.’ There is a servant girl with pointed ears. She is sobbing and is cursing the gods when she comes across the impact crater…
‘I say enemies because of their greed’ the pointed eared red haired girl is bowing along with many other servants,.
“their envy” she lifts her eyes to look as Endymion passes by, biting her tongue.
“jealousy” her facial expression denotes anger. She is looking ,hidden behind a curtain, at Endymion walking along with Princess Serenity, behind closed doors. Using her influence to spy on the secret of the King. But in her mind, it is her who is ‘serving’ her king.
“and false promises” No longer in her mind…but a vision. A vision of her as Queen…Queen Beryl! Serving side by side with Endymion. But that Princess Serenity…she’ll have to be removed…
Her smile is crooked and her eyes dilate, mad with power.
“Will turn them into our enemies.’ She cuts herself, dripping her blood into the crater. Nodding along to some unforeseen pact. The vision of Endymion by her side reflected in her eyes.
Nephrite took a moment to gather his words
With a strict tone implying seriousness
‘You are here because it has manifested.’ Nephrite spoke to Kunzite directly, staring into his eyes for whatever emotion Kunzite had not displayed. After-all, man was given a tongue to hide the meaning in his eyes.
‘Those visions were shown to you, Nephrite-o ‘ said the High Priest ‘because he was to come here.
Nephrite went to interrupt
‘You will go with this man, after the festival. That is all I have to say ‘ Casually speaking, always calm, he walks away. Obviously there is no room for objection.
Nephrite as well as the other priests nod along, a serious expression on their face. He accepts, silently…pondering….
‘Nephrite- o?’ Kunzite asked
‘Hah! Loose the o- And let’s go for a poke!’ Anime-fallout.
Story 03 -The Moon Festival