..... so, the Frankfurt Bookfair is now over and I am waiting for photos to show up on animexx... I want to see pretty photos of me as Aki Izayoi with Kyosuke Kiryu in Forbidden Passion Style so much! *___* But, unfortunately, I have not one photo of that on my camera, only my Kiryu has, so I have to wait until she has uploaded them all! T__T
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Comments 4
Still, the change is most apparent with her. I was never opposed to Aki growing out of her fiercely angry, intensely wounded shell... but the way they actually went about this development was so terribly abrupt and badly-handled that I couldn't like it at all.
Especially when they went down the Chickification route and turned her from a strong, capable, independent character to nothing more than nice arm-candy for Yuusei. -_-
... somehow, it has hit ALL of the major characters... I mean, lets see Jack for example. The new Jack is so much worse than the older one - only there for comic relief and to argue with Crow and cry for noodlesoup (!) when he even hadbn't when Carly died in his arms (!). Whatever happened to the Jack of the frist season, the one who took pride in what he did, but who was some sort of puppet for Goodwin in some twisted way? And now they even said that when Jack won, it was because his oponents were told to lose on purpose! >__And Aki has forgotten all about Divine, all about her past, all about her hurt and is not a normal schoolgirl who even lost her power just like that without any apparent reason... why hasn't she lost them before when she really wanted after she hurt people again? Why NOW? Why after Yusei supposedly "rescued" her? (sarcasm ( ... )
But I'm glad you had a fun weekend as well. =)
We have gotten hands on another person of the Hetalia group, so everything went fine in the end, and Yusei and Bruno were easy to satisfy anyway. XD
Oh yeah, the weekend indeed was fun.
My last fun weekend before my university starts again.
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