Jan 12, 2007 19:54

And it said I was both Indigo and Loving Tan, aka Maroon. Weird, results say these things, which are all somewhat true for me, so maybe I'm a purple...(I've always been the best of two worlds, aura colors, perceived gender binary, perceived bisexual etc.):

Indigos are truth-tellers. They are quiet, alert, spiritual, inquisitive, patient, determined, guiltless, stubborn and honest. They can be blunt.

The reality of our world is a shifting, evolving, dynamic energy field. As part of this ecosystem, humanity is growing and developing. As the needs of the whole shift, changes need to be made in the parts that make up that whole. So it is with the auras. A new color-Indigos emerged, with skills, talents; and physical characteristics significantly different from those of the other colors. At this time, most Indigos are still children or young adults. I see Indigo children as a new color invested with new talents and abilities that will be necessary for our evolution. These children have unique characteristics for which we can only guess the purpose.

Parents of Indigo children have a special challenge-how to nurture and cultivate their unique children while at the same time helping them exist in the mainstream of contemporary society. The parents of some of these Indigo children will love and support their differences. Other Indigos will not be so lucky. In this chapter, I will be putting forth what I know intuitively about these children.

The significant thing about Indigos is that they have leadership capabilities unlike those we have heretofore experienced. They understand what it means to be a fully actualized human being without having been taught that concept.

The most difficult thing for an Indigo to develop is patience and forbearance. Because they seem to have already grasped what it means to be authentic, they have little tolerance for others who struggle with this issue. Indigos are not without compassion. However, their form of compassion is to give other human beings time and space enough to find their own answers, to come to their own resolutions.

Loving Tans make good teachers and observers. They are patient, objective, mental, friendly, eager, willing, optimistic, holistic, abstract and social. They can also be scattered and forgetful.

Loving Tan is another Personality Spectrums color that is distinguished by an eclipse, a second band of color, which is Red, The Red surrounds the inner basic color, Mental Tan. The Red Eclipse adds the component of unconditional love.

Loving Tans are bright and inquisitive, and have a love of people. However, theirs is an abstract love of humanity rather than a love of specific human beings. Because of their ability to stand apart and observe the human condition without passing judgment, Loving Tans are- uniquely equipped to serve as the bridge of communication as our world shifts focus and priorities. Loving Tans are able to see the shifting patterns in all areas of human endeavor-law, education, government, economics, and world trade. They are able to distinguish those patterns that are emerging from those that are ebbing. Because this is a natural perceptive talent of Loving Tans, they are able to use it objectively.

Loving Tans tend to be the objective observers of life, unlike the Nurturing Tans who tend to be the participant/observers. The challenge for Loving Tans is to learn to focus and direct their energies and abilities rather than scattering them in all directions. Loving Tans are able to see all the separate pieces at once; at the same time they can appreciate the overall pattern of a puzzle. When they become fragmented, they `are overwhelmed and confused, and distrust their own inner process.
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