Ripped from
pravoxian ~My name is: Taranjeet
~nicknames: Unknown_human ,T dude , baboon
~birthday: October 15
~color: Blue
~star sign: Libra
~place of birth: Errrrr,does KL count
~current residence: USJ 9,In someones heart
~hair color: Black.
~eye color: Very dark shade of brown
~height: 168cm
~writing hand:Right
~do you bite your nails: Nop,left that long time ago
~can you roll your tongue: Yeah baby
~can you blow smoke rings: Whazzut
~can you blow spit bubbles: Duh….Who can’t
~can you cross your eyes: Once in a blue moon
~tattoos and where: So far none
~do you make your bed daily: Yeah It is great exercise
~what’s sexiest on a guy: A person who does not call me names
~what’s sexiest on a girl: The eyes(the first thing I notice on a girl),The hair , Her personality
~do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it:Twirl and eat
~what utensils do you use eating pizza: My trusty hands
~do you cook: Yeah..You know normal stuff such as maggi mee ,fried egg,rice
~how often do you brush your teeth: Every morning,afternoon and night
~do you shower/bath:Duh…………
~how long do these showers last: About 20 minutes
~hair drying method: Towe.
~do you swear: Frequently
~do you pee in the shower: No
~what color is your bedroom: White..the symbol of innocence
~do you use an alarm clock: Yeah but It either gets broken from me or can’t wake me up
~name four things or people you're obsessed with: Charmed,Hilary Duff, Anna Kournikova,lightning
~what’s your sleeping position: 360 degrees
~what kind of bed do you like: Anything will do
~in hot weather do you use a blanket: yeah
~do you sleepwalk: Never have...Never will
~do you talk in your sleep: Same as the above
~how about the light on: Only if I saw a horror movie(exorcist kind) before sleeping
~do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: yea...Soothes me down
~watched bambi: Long time ago
~cried:Not sure ….Maybe February 13
~talked on the phone: 9 hours ago
~read a book: Today
~is music important to you: Yes...Very
~do you sing: Yep,Some saw I can make a deaf man cry
~what instruments do you play:None but I wanna play guitar
~what do you think of Eminem:Coooooool lyrics
~in your opinion what band is the best of all time:LINKIN PARK...!
~pop music: Kindda
~rock music: Yes
~punk music: Some...a bit
~rap music: Some
~hip-hop/RB: Yes
~country: no
~jazz: Modern jazz..yes
~classical: some
~new age: some
~hardcore: a few
~indie rock: Yes
~emo: nope
~Game: sorta..yeah
~What do you notice first?: Eyes followed by hair
~Do you have a crush on anyone?: Rose McGowan
~Easiest to talk to: Nikki
~Could you live without the computer?: If there is music
~What’s your favorite fruit? Mango
~What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: Emotional pain.Long time to heal
~Trust others way too easily?: At times
~Of times you have had your heart broken?: Twice
~Of hearts you have broken?: One(By accident)
~Of girls kissed?: 0
~Of boys kissed?: 0
~of drugs taken illegally?: Never
~Of tight friends?:several
~Of CD's owned?:Many
~Of scars on my body?: None I can see
~I know: that one can never have enough songs
~I want: new computer and more songs
~I have: lots of songs
~I wish: that we all are empaths so there won’t be any back-stabbers
~I hate: backstabbers
~I miss: being understood
~I hear: Too much pain and suffering
~I luv: my friends and family
~I ache: When I see people getting hurt and hurting others
~I care: About my buddies and songs ALOT
~I always: hear songs
~I dance: once in a blue moon
~I cry: When somethin bad happens...:(
~I write: not too much
~I confuse: Practically everyone
~I can usually be found: singing or hearing songs
~Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: Nope
~ARE YOU A...~
~Wuss: No
~Druggie: No
~Gang member: At times
~Daydreamer: At times
~Alcoholic: nope
~Freak: 24/7
~Brat: At times
~Sarcastic: Sarcasm is my middle name
~Goody-goody: nope
~Angel: Nope.
~Devil: No.
~Friend: To those who are not my foe
~Shy: Depends on the situation
~Adventurous: Same as above
~Intelligent: Neah
~Your best feature [personality]: I am a good listener
~Most annoying thing you do: I will irritate people
~Biggest mistake you've made this far: Letting someone break your heart
~Describe your personality in one word: Weird
~A smell that makes you smile: Perfume
~A city you'd like to visit: Paris
~A drink you order most often: Kah Cai(I am not sure of the spelling)
~The music you prefer while alone: Slow
~A TV show you watch regularly:Charmed