We think that today might be Jon's birthday. Or it might be next weekend. Or the weekend after next.
Well, it's some time in the near future. We know that. As an appropriate birthday gift, we decided to sterilize everything that he owns.
It started off innocently enough. Chris, Jason and Blaine show up in my room and they seem bored. Jon is staying at his stepmom's house for the weekend. They will not leave me the fuck alone, so I make the suggestion that we take a few of Jon's big minis sitting on top of his desk and put them in the bathroom, seeing how long it'll take him to notice that they're gone.
Well, that only took maybe, oh, five minutes. So we decided to do the rest.
For those of you who do not know about Jon's minis, let me explain a little bit.
He has something like 2500 of the little things. He keeps them meticulously organized. So we put them in a big pile and then spread them all over the bathroom sink. He gets to have hours of fun reorganizing them.
Well, that was another half hour of fun. But it was only 9 o'clock and we were still bored. So I suggested the only rational solution: sterilize everything that Jon owns.
To make it more humorous, I made a sign that said
And put that on the door. Then, off to Walmart we went.
14 rolls of saran wrap, 7 hours of work, and nearly 70 passerbys stopping in and signing a note to Jon, this is what happened.
That is over half a mile of saran wrap. I don't think you can fully appreciate the beauty without knowing a few things.
First off ,see that desk? You think we just wrapped it up? No, we didn't. See all of that stuff on top of the desk? It's all individually wrapped. Everything inside of the drawers? Yeah, every fucking piece of office equipment and stationary is individually wrapped, then wrapped in a bigass bundle, then each drawer was wrapped, and then the entire fucking desk.
We wrapped every shirt. Every hanger. Every sock. Every shoe. Every glove. Every book. Every pencil. EVERYTHING.
Eagle eyed readers will notice that his desk chair is gone!! Where is the chair you ask?
Why is it in the shower? I dunno. That's just where it ended up.
As you might notice, we had 1000 post its plastering his things. We couldn't think of stuff to write on all of them, so we recruited the passerbys that were literally flocking to our room to see what we had created.
What's JD so excited about in that last picture?
Couple that with the note that's on the door and I think Jon will have a pretty good idea what he's about to walk into.
He's due home in just a few hours. What will his reaction be?